Today, like around this time of year every year, I had my end-of-year performance review. And although I knew in my heart that I had done well, I still self-evaluated myself in the worst way. Everything in my head.

This year was challenging, in November of last year, the QC technical expert had retired so I had to step up, big time! I had to go from a support role into “doing the thing”. Once my manager was hired it was not like it became any easier, for either of us.

Long review short, I got an “I am proud of you and the work you’ve done and the challenges you have taken on this year”.

And two coaching advice, one, is to know when to ask for help. Well yeah, when I commit, I go and forget I may need help sometimes and get overwhelmed in the process. Two, time management, in the sense that sometimes I’m working on something and get distracted when people ask for something via email, mainly because I think it’ll be a quick thing. Famous last words.

Anyway, I’m happy with my review and looking forward to getting better at what I do and then some!