
If there are a few things in life that I have always been a junkie for are, watches, backpacks, bracelets, and, most of all, sunglasses. I think I remember my first pair, at least the first legit pair of sunglasses I had as a kid. My dad, being another sunglasses junkie, got me a pair of Ray-Ban Aviators, and that's when it all began...

I have been a Sunglasses junkie since, I cannot count how many pairs and different brands I have rocked throwout the years, colors, and shapes. Or how many have gone lost, stolen and broken.

My most recent purchase, back in 2019 was the New Wayfarer.


Ever since I hadn't purchased any other pairs whatsoever, I was happy with them, they were comfortable, great polarized lenses, and all in all, a good buy.

Until, two weeks ago...

I was traveling for work, I went to Naples FL, then Skokie IL, and somewhere in between, I lost them. No idea when, where, or how, but lost they were and I was sad. Yesterday though, I replaced them!


And yes, they are the exact same ones. Although, I kind of was looking to get the folding ones, not sure why. They did have them in store but the regular size, I got a big face so I need the oversized ones. They offered to order them for me and all that, but they had the non-foldable ones right there and then and I am super-impatient, so, I snagged these.

Part of me may still order the foldable ones, at some point, it is always nice to have a backup I guess. You know, the Rule of Two. In the meantime though, and until then, let us try not to lose these ones. 

🎮 A game I have been playing.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge on the Nintendo Switch


The boys are back
The boys are back
The boys are back
And they're looking for trouble…  

- Dropkick Murphys

I have been waiting on this game ever since it was announced, with very much excitement and anticipation. I am a huge fan of classic beat ’em up games. Take Streets of Rage 4, for example, I play that game over and over to this day, and TMNT will definitely be another one that will get played a lot.

I have to mention the opening sequence of this game, oh boy, I was back in my childhood home, sitting on the couch watching the cartoons. It's got that 80s feel to it and I loved that.

The Story, it ain't complicated, I mean, it's the Ninja Turtles, there's nothing complicated about their cartoon stories from what I can remember. You know exactly what this will be about, Shredder is out there making trouble and you are out and about to kick some butt!

You've got your usual suspects, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello, and Rafael. You also got Splinter and April, which are super-cool, and then, once you finish your first playthrough you unlock Casey Jones. I gotta say, Casey is probably my favorite character so far. each character has very unique attacks and combos, you get to level up your character's stats and get more moves as you level up. The game has a co-op mode, and I believe it can have up to 6 players at the same time, that should be fun for some local and online gaming.

The graphics, beautiful full-color pixel art, they are very colorful and very detailed, you can tell they put on some work here. The music's fantastic, I mean you have Tee Lopes making most of the OST, the same guy who's also involved in SoR4. Not only that but also have some tracks where there's some rap-singing which makes the game so much fun to play and enjoy.

Is this game worth it? I'd say absolutely-fkn-yes! If you are a fan of beat ’em ups? Get this game. Are you a fan of the Ninja Turtles? Duh, get this game.

I had a smile on my face playing this game from the beginning to the end. I have listened to the Original Soundtrack multiple times already. I am so thankful this game exists and that is finally out there. I believe is out in every mother gaming system out there so there's no excuse. I mean, you can even play it for "free" on GamePass. to me this is a Switch game, for some reason but I could also see myself buying it for the PlayStation just because.

Rage blogging

I don't know if this is a thing for a lot of people, but I have caught myself on this a few times over. Many times, like many of us, I am doom-scrolling the Twitterverse. And every once in a while (or almost every time these days) I will come across something that will enrage me, something that just makes me mad and I pull up my phone or my browser and write something about whatever is that I found. 

I am almost positive we all have been there. It's this impulse to put out there our thoughts in whichever matter or thing without even considering if it's worth our sanity or peace of mind. Or even just replying to someone in a sort of snarky or negative way, just because whatever that said,  triggered us somehow.

That did happen, ish, to me today. I saw an article and I got enraged, I quoted the article with a simple comment and pushed it to my for it to spread not only to my blog but my social media.  

This happened after I read this tweet by Jack and even retweeted it.

  I don't care what you're mad at. I want to hear what you're happy about  

I was like, "what just did, what you just posted, and the way you reacted, goes against the same tweet you just agreed on".  I immediately realized what I had done and deleted it from my posts.

This is not the reason I blog for. I don't blog to let the world what I am mad about or what I disagree about, my blog is supposed to be a happy space, my happy space. To talk about the things that make me happy, to tell stories, and promote what brings me joy.

I guess many times over, I have lost sight of that and it has become easier these days. 

It's being hard.

This post, is a reminder, a reminder of why I blog, why I share what I share. I don't want to write about what I hate, what I dislike, or hot-takes and opinions. I just want to tell stories, journal, and share the things I like.



Testing again

Gaby S. is drinking a Hazy Is Lazy by Haymarket Beer Company at DoubleTree by Hilton


This was a longass month! Well, more like 10 days. First, my trip to Naples, Florida for grow-out evaluations then immediately after, headed to Skokie, Illinois for the AOSA/SCST Annual meeting. Sunday, I took my so dreaded exam, which, unfortunately, and not to my surprise, did not pass.

Numerous interesting talks and information about the seed industry, new connections, and “friends”. Overall, a good experience. But right by last Tuesday, I was so ready to go home. It had already been a long time away, and it gets old and exhausting pretty quickly.

Today is the last day of conferences, most people are either flying or driving back home. Some of us don’t fly out until tomorrow.

Again, it has been a good experience, next year’s conference is in Canada 🍁. As an associate member of the Society of Commercial Seed Technologists, it is important for me in my career development, to partake in these events. That being said, I will not, if at all possible, combine two trips into one.

User 22002

And just like that, it’s done. I am finally done with it. No more exam’s related stress, well, now I’ll be anxiously waiting for the results but that’s the least of my worries — now.

Four different tests, four different subjects. Molecular, Genetic Purity, herbicide assays, and AP/LLP testing. I feel like two out of the four I did pretty well, the other two, well I had some troubles.

Although, I was surprised at how much I knew and was able to complete by just real work experience. Studying also helped a lot, obviously. About three hours total, for all four. I should find out about the results for user 22002 sometime this week. My hopes of passing are slim but there’s a chance.

Worst case scenario, I know what to concentrate on or tackle more in my next round.

Now if you’d excuse me, I need a beer and lunch.

I just want to go home

Well, this is it, I’m in Skokie, Illinois. Tomorrow’s the day, the day I have been dreading, the RGT exam.

I am not going to lie, I don’t want to do it, I don’t think I am prepared enough. I feel in my heart that I’m going to fail. There’s a little bit of pressure about me passing this exam on the first try. And because of that expectation, I fear that if I do fail, I’m going to disappoint a lot of people, not just me.

I’m also a little spent, I just want to go home.

Gabz’s log, day three?

Funny story

This morning, I woke up, showered, and got dressed, as you do, ready to go out and about in the field. When something strange happened. I got to my rental car, turn it on, and then the sound…

My brand new Mitsubishi Outlander Sport rental sounded like a mustang!!! Super-loud exhaust! A loud broken one. I’ve heard this before, and it clicked in my mind but I didn’t want to accept what was happening. I knew something was “broken” or, missing.

Immediately I called the car rental company and they patched me to this nice lady on the phone. After explaining what had happened she says.

Sir, you have been a victim of a stolen catalytic converter

I was baffled, that did confirm what I thought it was but not that it was actually stolen. Stolen, overnight, right at the hotel’s parking lot. Apparently, this is a thing, people do steal, these parts, they, apparently, get a good deal of money for them, precious metals.

So, they exchanged my vehicle but not before I had to drive it all the way to my closest car rental location. It was like driving an old broken Cadillac all over town. So much fun.

I’ve got two more nights down here in Naples fkn Florida, and there’s a tropical storm watch!

Good times, good times.

Gabz’s log, day two

It is somewhat baffling to me that about two weeks ago, I was in a very nice chill not-so humid place, with lots and lots of pine trees and Deer crossings signs. Now, I find myself in a hot, hot place, extremely humid, and lots of diverse vegetation but mostly palm trees. And rather than Deer crossing signs, Panther’s crossing signs. And you could add alligators and who knows what. No alligators crossing signs, though.

It seems to me like Florida is USA’s mini Australia.

I want to test a thing

Here is a test. I am putting some words. They always say,

> Do not test on your main blog


I do what I want.

Some photos.

And that’s it!

I am scared of it.

At first, I was complaining that everybody was playing Elden Ring but me. Not long ago, I purchased the game. I created a character, and played for about 30 mins, with 15 of those dying. Haven't touched the game ever since. I always find another game to play, neglecting or avoiding the elephant in the room. 

What have I been playing instead? Well, I played a lot of Need for Speed Heat, even after finishing the main storyline. Then I drifted to Trek to Yomi on the PlayStation 5. It is a great game, by the way, black and white art, very noir. With a compelled and grim story, super-fun! I am yet to finish it yet. On the Nintendo Switch, lots of Kirby, both my daughter and I are hooked and I might have started Shin Megami Tensei V while I was at the Oregon coast.

That being said, I got to get into Elden Ring, I gotta grow a pair, as they say. 

I am scared of the game...

I suck at sleeping these days.

For the past few months, it has been a real struggle to get a good-night sleep. Way too many things roaming and hunting my thoughts. I get at best, 5 to 6 hours of sleep, according to my super-secret sleeping tracking application. With the exception of the few nights that we spent at the Oregon Coast, that was a good distraction. Plus, I would spent most of those afternoons sipping on delicious beer so that always help, el-oh-el. 

I am hoping that, once the day of my upcoming test – which is the bulk of my stress – passes, I will be able to mentally relax a little bit, hopefully.

Gaby S. is drinking an Eagle Cap IPA by Terminal Gravity Brewing at Twisted Timber

Field trip to urgent care, reprise?

On September 11th, 2019 we had a field trip to the local urgent care with Marley, the one closest to our house. It was a stressful experience, especially for mom, and a terrifying one for Marley. Still to this day, every time she gets, an ouchie, her first question is, is it bleeding?

Yesterday, unfortunately, it was Luna's turn. As much as we tell them to not run around the house, and to pay attention to their surroundings and where they are going, well you know where this is heading.

Both are running, Marley turns around, Lunas is running behind her, Marley doesn't notice Luna, rams her, Luna hits the Kitchen Playset, and both start crying.

Luna is holding her side of the head, I check, and she's got a scratch right above her left eyebrow and it is swollen. We assess, did not look too bad but enough for concern. Once the bleeding was contained, we decided it was best to take it, just in case she needed 'a special band-aid'. This time though, rather than the 'regular' Urgent Care, Annie, in all her wisdom, suggested the pediatric one. It was much further but a much safer bet.

At this point, Luna was, surprisingly calm. She even liked the idea of going to see the doctor. We get to the Urgent Care, checked in, and patiently waited. A few minutes later a nurse lady comes out, takes Luna's temperature, weighs her, and checks her pulse, finally we proceeded to the examination room. On the way to the room, she gets offered a toy. What? Cool! The Nurse explains what is that they are about to do, and gets offered a popsicle.

All this time, Luna has been super-complaisant and not even a single sign of fear. The nurse applies some anesthetic to her wound and put on a clean band-aid. Whilst we wait for the anesthetic to do its thing, she gets offered to watch cartoons, on an iPad.

And here we are, Luna is chilling on her medical bed, watching cartoons whilst sucking on a popsicle. Then a second nurse comes in, "Hello, my name is Allison, we are just going to put some special glue on your ouchie and be done". Luna didn't even emote, her eyes fixed on the iPad (whilst still sucking on the popsicle). Allison turns around and looks at me. "Do I know you, did you use to work at Simplot, with my brother Wes?" And then it clicked! Allison, my friend and co-worker's sister which I haven't seen either of them in a few years now. That was a nice surprise indeed, wasn't expecting that for sure.

Short story long, Luna got all patched up, no traumatic experience, and guess what? She got more candy, and the nurse comes in with a handful of lollipops. Luna starts debating which one to pick when the nurse goes, "grab them all, they're all for you". What

Man, we adults get treated like animals.

Back home.

After what it felt like an eternity driving, we finally made back to the 208s. We had a great time at the Oregon coast celebrating Annie’s and her mom’s birthday. I feel like I’ve drunk Oregon dried of beer (😅). There was so much goodness to try!

Furthermore, our thanks to Jason and Valerie for receiving us at their house. A quick but very enjoyable stop for some bagels 🥯 and mimosas 🍹 before continuing our travels through the wild roads of the pacific northwest until our final destination, the Idahos.

More about the whole adventure later, too tired to post a proper post about the entire trip in detail. But good memories have been made.

Until then, stay classy, you all.

💜 📎 Backs Away Slowly

For better or worse, my consumption level has been indicative of my current mental state: the more stressed/depressed I’ve been, the more I consume. But in the past six months or so, I’ve been finding myself consuming the wrong type of content. I’ve been too focused on certain things, and ultimately have come to the conclusion that many often do – this isn’t healthy.  

I am right there with you.  

Source: *Backs Away Slowly* 

The best goodbye iPod post you’ll ever read (or sing).

…Long long time ago, I can still remember

How that music used to make me smile

And I knew if I had an iPod

That I could make people dance

And maybe they’d be happy for a while…

… So bye-bye, Mister iPod bye

Drove my Chevy to the levee

But the levee was dry

Them good old boys were drinking whiskey and rye

Singing, “This is the day the iPod died”

This is the day the iPod died”

American iPod

The best grilled everything.

Me: Marley! Rice, potatoes, or pasta?

Marley: Pasta!

Me: Okay! What piece of chicken?

Mar: How about cow?

Me: Well, I don’t like to defrost cow in the microwave, so let’s put it out for tomorrow.

Mar: What type of chicken do we have?

Me: We’ve got tenders and thighs.

Mar: Chicken thighs. I’ve never had tights before.

Me: Of course you have. I make them all the time on the grill.

Mar: On the grill? I love it, you make the best grilled everything.

There you have it, peoples. 😂🥷😎

It snapped.

Okay, it is supposed to be spring. You know, flowers and trees blooming, birds chirping, some may say even love is in the air, etc. Although the weather has shown me that this is totally bullshit, however, every once in a while, we do have some nice days, ish. I guess at this point I'll take what I can get. Like Saturday morning, it wasn't particularly nice, not too warm but sunny, enough to finally, do some yard work.

I get my mowing attire (sunglasses included), get the mower out (still gas like an animal, apologies) and my super-not-fancy electric weedwhacker. I always like to start with the weedwhacker, trim the edges, around the curvings and all. Once that part was done, I go to my mower and check the gas level, I also check the engine oil, and all looks fine, time to mow.

Except, for the fact that the pull line snapped! 


Well, that's relatively easy, all I need to do is buy a new line and replace it. Right? A quick stop to my local Low's, and about 5.00 USD later I have a new line. Go home, and installed the line, and it is not retracting. Why, why is not retracting? Well, after further investigation and some frustration, it turned out that the little peace that would hold the coil in place for the rotor to retract also snapped.

So, bout 35.00 USD later and the magic of internet search, I am getting the whole new top assembly. And now I will have a spare pull line.

Also, I gotta add, even if I were successful in replacing the line with no other issues, by the time I got back from Low's and installed the new pull line, the sun was gone and we had a storm. And the rest of this week doesn't look very promising either so who knows when I'll get my yard done for sure, laugh-out-loud.