Luna, age four.

She’s on the backseat with Marley.

Lu: Marley, pretend we are rich but we were criminals!

I, I don’t know how to feel about this 😅


Yesterday we went to what is arguably my favorite store in town. The only bad thing about this store is that I never go intending to buy anything and the next thing I know, I have spent about 50 dollars or more (😅).

Re-Pop Gifts

They even had this enterprise command chair. Luna had no idea what was going on but the guy from the store and I were nerding out about it.

The girls walked out with some cool stuff.

And so did I.

I got the coolest shirt!


Good morning fellow readers and et al! In case you haven’t noticed, it is Friday! We have made it, and you have made it. I just had black coffee, puya, as we say back home, which is rare. If you knew me, you would know I am all about my beloved café con leche or a vanilla latte. I’m basic.

Today I am aiming for the bare minimum and stress-free. That said, it is not even 8:00AM, so anything can happen [😅]. Part of me just wants to take the day off and do some photography or gaming, either would do.

Last night was Trunk or Treat and MArley’s school and that was a lot of fun, it was cold as balls but regardless. Today we are having a freeze warning, I should probably stay home and work from it, where warm and cozy.


I am trying my best to keep it together, but lately, there have been many times that I feel like I’m at a breaking point. I love my job and I enjoy what I do and let’s face it, I am the best at what I do [🙃]. However, in what we do, a team of two, it’s not enough, expectations are high and we are spread thin.

Maybe this is part of why I’m having trouble sleeping, I think. I don’t know, I got new sleeping pills prescribed today, and l hope they’ll help.

Also, we have a new intern, maybe I should start delegating and take some stuff off of my plate. That’s a conversation that my boss and I need to have.

It is more stressful trying to play Super Mario with the girls, than on my own 😅

Mowing, for 2023, is done!

The neighbor girl came to play again.

Now I make Mac and cheese 🫕

I am wondering when my turn to play Super Mario Bros. Wonder will be. 😬

A few from this week.

Back to Normal

Wow! I can really tell the difference today after having a “normal” night’s sleep. I feel like my normal self, not grumpy or trolly-ish 😅🙃, I am focused and motivated. I might even bust out a workout once I get home!

Also, Luna had her first school field trip yesterday and we visited The Boise Morrison-Knudsen Nature Center and I was lucky enough to join and have that connection with nature. Over 119 pictures were taken, and I am excited to go through them and share them.

It feels good!

I am still reaching out to my doctor, though.

You fold?

Gabz's log for 2023.10.17

Yay for Trailer-Taco-Tuesday! In other words, we had Taco Tuesday in the “office” today.

Today is pharmacy tech day! Annie is a pharmacy tech and then some.

Today is new comic books day and League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong #1 is out!

At work, it was a very busy day, with lots of data to process. That meant do not disturb on Teams and that lots of music!

Here’s today’s rotation.

🎵 Lo Que No Te Dije - Gale

Lo Que No Te Dije - Gale poster

🎵 nadie sabe lo que va a pasar mañana - Bad Bunny

nadie sabe lo que va a pasar mañana - Bad Bunny poster

🎵 Smash - The Offspring

Smash - The Offspring poster

🎵 Godsmack - Godsmack

Godsmack - Godsmack poster

🎵 Nevermind (Remastered) - Nirvana

Nevermind (Remastered) - Nirvana poster

🎵 Something Like Human [Bonus Tracks] - Fuel

Something Like Human [Bonus Tracks] - Fuel poster

Also, yay for stickers and video games with instruction booklets, like it’s 1985 😅!


According to my sleep tracking app, last night, I had 6 hours of sleep which is more than I would normally get these days. And yet, it doesn’t change the fact that I feel exhausted and with no energy. Something is not right. A setting in me it’s off.

Part of me thinks is work-related but I used to manage work just fine, again, something isn’t right. I haven’t routinely exercised in over a month due to the lack of energy and with that, motivation and I am not happy with that.

Is it some sort of burnout?

Whatever it is, I don’t like it!

Seven years ago today, Marley visited her first brewery 😊

And I practicing with the 25mm lens.

Annie challenged me to take all my pictures in black and white from today until the 15th of next month.

Challenge accepted!

A preview.

New niece, meet Lyra.

Today was pumpkin patch day pumpkin 🎃


> This card asks you to align with your soul’s journey and place it first in your life. We may not always know what our soul’s journey is or how to align with it. It takes dedication to know our path this lifetime. The first step in working with this card is to give yourself time to hear your soul. Spend time in meditation for the next week, with the intent of listening to yourself. You can also go somewhere that inspires you, like the ocean or woods, harnessing the power of nature to unleash your soul. Ask yourself what makes you feel aligned each day. What activities, people, or projects feel like home? What feels like your mission in this life? What are your resounding yes’s? Give time for these answers to appear. > > Once you understand what your soul truly wants, then it’s time to begin. It’s time to change your life in a way that aligns with your soul’s path. This may mean making small changes to embrace your life’s mission, or it may mean making big changes. Whatever you need to do, this card asks you to begin. > > Feel into what motivates you to overcome internal barriers and harness that motivation to begin on the path of your soul. > > This card is also a reminder that motivation to stay on your soul’s journey takes effort. Burnout can set in quickly, even if you love what you do. It’s essential to find ways to nurture your creativity and love for your path. After miles on your journey, you may feel like quitting despite success. If you feel unmotivated, find ways to reconnect with your joy and the part of you that remembers when it was all brand new. Revisit old memories of when you first started on your journey and remember what signs showed up to affirm your alignment. > > Also, take a break. Pick a new hobby that restores your energy, or focus your attention on something else. Come back to your purpose afterward renewed and begin again.

I should take notes…

We had Parent-Teacher Conferences this past week. When we sat and talked to Marley’s teacher, she said that Marley was very artistic
