I have decided, well, it is still in the approved for study stage, to take my work notes, some, non-digital.

There’s obviously no Control F but there will be dates and flipping the shit out of pages.

Full report later, maybe.

Thanks to @heyscottyj’s most recent post, I have learned a new word.




trivial nonsense

Synonyms: fiddle-faddle, piffle

😅 fiddle-faddle

173 - Should This Be a Blog Post?

Excellent episode! You should all listen! And not because I may or may not have been mentioned in this latest episode.

😅🫶🏽 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Seriously though, like and subscribe!

We are experimenting…

First work trip that I have gone to the airport, straight from the field. 😅🤪

I have not been in Yuma Arizona since 2019. I was very hesitant about this trip but it turned out to be a good one. And yes, one of our trial was close to the wall.

Today’s going to be a long day… 🌱 🛫🛬🥔

Somewhere down to Yuma.

Someone [Luna] got her first camera.


As of today, according to my on this day, it has been 5 years of microblogging.

I guess I am a little over my trial period. 😋

My default Podcast app.

A quick note about my Defaults.

I had listed in the Podcast Category

> Currently a battle between Apple Podcasts and Overcast

As of last night, the battle has been decided, and the winner is Overcast.

Believe me, I have tried to enjoy using Apple Podcasts, there are many things I love about it. It is so great for discovering new shows to listen to whereas Overcast clearly lacks in that regard, and the stuff that features are the same stuff over and over again.

Ah! Biscuits!

I think I just talked myself back into the Apple Podcasts app!

Never mind!

This morning, in my works' email inbox via the company’s postMaster screening address, I received an email in regards to Business Funding Offer from a babytb69 (at) hotmail.com address. It was not the Baby 69 that concerned me, but the hotmail part of it.


I do not know what it is but I have this urge to go out for a run, an intense workout, or something. Like my mind is running at 10,000 revs or something, All over the place and it is hard to focus. It scares me a little because I can react impulsively.

I had a good night’s sleep, though. (∪.∪ )…zzz

Things That Are Nice

Love stumbling upon little things like this. 😊

Development of a Live-Action Film of The Legend of Zelda to Start

> Nintendo Co., Ltd. (HQ: Kyoto Minami-ku; Representative Director and President: Shuntaro Furukawa, “Nintendo” hereafter) today announced that it will develop a live-action film of The Legend of Zelda.

Imagine that! Because I can’t, for some reason.

Many changes have been made to my blog today but the most important is adding Robb’s Micro.blog Feeds Plugin. Now all my feeds are properly exposed. (≧∀≦)ゞ

3 new stickers for the iPad.


Not sure where we are going today but this one is definitely ready!

This week’s Marley’s art