173 - Should This Be a Blog Post?

Excellent episode! You should all listen! And not because I may or may not have been mentioned in this latest episode.

😅🫶🏽 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Seriously though, like and subscribe!

Something I liked

Darknet Diaries - EP 139: D3F4ULT

> This is the story of D3f4ult from CWA. He was a hacktivist, upset with the state of the way things were, and wanted to make some changes. Changes were made.

Whoa, another fascinating episode of the Darknet Diaries radio show! It’s pretty emotionally intense, or at least it is for me. It’s so interesting and as I’ve said, so fascinating that I am going through my second listen of it.

My Defaults?

Inspired by the latest Hemispheric Views pod-radio-show, episode 097 Duel of the Defaults!

So, after listening to what will go down in history as one of my favorite episodes, I thought I would play along and do my own default assessment. I never made sense of Andrew's scoring so I won't be scoring myself.  And all of mine will be iOS, mostly.

Here we go,

📮 Mail Server

  • iCloud and HEY

📨 Mail Client

📝 Notes

✅ To-Do

📷 iPhone Photo Shooting

  • Long-press on the camera icon/little button

🟦 Photos Management

  • Photos App

📆 Calendar

📅 Calendar Backend

  • iCloud

📁 Cloud File Storage

  • iCloud Drive


🙍🏻‍♂️ Contacts Management

  • Contacts (often forget this even exists

  🔎 Browser 

  • Safari, and Chrome (Work)

💬 Chat

🔖 Bookmarks

📑 Read-it-Later

📜 Word Processing

  • Pass

🛒 Shopping List

  • Shared Reminder List

🍴 Meal Planning ( as Recipe Management)

💰 Budgeting and finance

  • Pass

📰 News

When I care to check, News app, and Podcast shows as Today Explained

🎵 Music

  • Apple Music

🎤 Podcast

🔐 Password Management

  • iCloud KeyChain

Well, there you have it, This should probably turn into a page for the blog (😂) or should have been a microcast (🙃).

Now, there is one category I would like to add of my own,

📸 Photo Editing

What are yours?