The Broken Record Podcast

> For generations of music lovers, the liner notes on albums were a central part of the way music was heard. You bought an album and it came with an accompanying narrative: a digression, an aside, a backstory—maybe even an invented history. We intuitively understood that great music required not just listening but conversation between the artist and the audience and the audience and the rest of the world. Broken Record is a podcast that restarts those conversations—in a world without liner notes—for a new audience of music lovers. Broken Record is hosted by Justin Richmond with interviews by the producer Rick Rubin, the writer Malcolm Gladwell, and the former New York Times editor Bruce Headlam.

I don’t usually do two Something I liked this week posts on the same week but i felt compelled to do so this time around. I am probably late to the party here but sometime this week, in one of the nerdy chats i am apart of, The Broken Record podcast was recommended thus curious i had to check it out – as you do. And i was imminently hooked! It wasn’t just the caliber and the names of the guests but also the interviewers and the way the conversations go and the subjects that are talked about. Plus I love music and to know about the creative process of these people and their stories, it is fascinating to me. Needles to say, I have been binge-listening to this podcast, which i never ever do or have done before. I am four episodes in and a few more to go.

I can’t recommend this pod enough!

> “You can find it on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts” 😉