I was having a conversation today, in a super-secret discord channel, about them video games. In the conversation, Zelda Breath Of The Wild was mentioned. Part of me feels Zelda-shamed that I haven’t been able to truly play and stick to this game. I purchased this game when I first bought my Nintendo Switch. What, like 3 years ago maybe? And I don’t think I never left the Plateau. I even remember an ex-coworker lending me the Game-Guide so I could actually play it and so we could geek-out about at work. Long story-short, I never got to play it and then I was laid off el-oh-el.

Anyhow, I need to play this game, I really do. I see images and videos all over the internet and I am always on aw! I have Amiibos related to the game, wallpapers on my phone and computer, a tattoo even, clearly I am a fan of the franchise and its lore. But can’t stick to the damn game!

Probably my biggest drawback or inability to play this game is how open and adventurous it is. These days I rather play something more lineal and with clear direction – I think. I always remember when I was supposed to prepare some dish, I had a hard time figuring out the ingredients, like somehow I was supposed to know that, but really. How the fuck was I supposed to know? I had to google the damn thing. And it also felt chroy, like I was doing chores all the time and dying a lot, that was also frustrating.

By the looks of it, it seems like we are also headed to some kind of quarantine situation here in the Idahos. Good excuse to jump-in maybe.

We shall see!