These are all the game titles, that I have bought over time. Some I bought and haven't even played them again. Some I started and something else came along and abandoned them. Others, well I may have just rage-quitted. Some of these I really want to play them and do my best to finish them. Some are still on my wishlist and eager to play the! Most of them are indie games, with beautiful pixel art and soundtracks. I am a sucker for pixel art. Also, most of these games have an amazing soundtrack, I'm a sucker for video game soundtracks.

I have made a list with all these titles on my task manager on rotation. I will try my best to attempt to go thru most of these, before the end of the year. Then again, it seems like an impossible task, given my tendency to buy more indie titles, especially when they are on sale, plus anything else that's coming.

We shall see...

I will be blogging about my progress, if any.

Oh! And, again, these are only the "indie" titles, not even including other games i.e. The Xenoblades or the Resident Evils, etc, etc...