A post of my 2021 faves.

Best Console Game

I might be biased on this one since I am probably still with the Honey Moon period, sort to say.

Ghost of  Tsushima Director's Cut

I picked it as my game of the year in both 2020 and now in 2021. This time I played it on the PlayStation 5 and it's such an awesome and beautiful game and the game truly shines on this console.

An Honorable Mention has to be Assassin's Creed Valhalla.

Best Nintendo Switch Game

Metroid Dread

This was a game I knew I wanted to play but wasn't sure how it was going to land for me. I gotta say, I had a great time with it. The action is incredible and fluid, the graphics are awesome, and it's tough. Not to the point of utter frustration but, don't expect to walk into a Boss fight and get it on the first try. 

Honorable Mention goes to Ender Lillies

This game is beautiful in a spooky way. This one is particularly tough as well, this one follows trends of games like Dark Souls, so patience is a virtue here. I had to rethink the way I play platformers 

Album of the Year

It is kind of hard to pick an album of the year since I listen to so much music these days. But one particular album that, to me, was a very interesting find and fell in love with was,

  Axiom Verge 2 (Original Soundtrack)  

I am a sucker for video-game soundtracks, and this, in particular, got played over and over for weeks.

Honorable Mention,

Not an album but a single, abcdefu by GAYLE , this is not just a song, it's a mood

Movie of the Year

No Time to Die (2021)

I am a huge Bond fan, and more so of Daniel Graig's Bond, he is my Bond.

Honorable Mentions

Piece of tech

The PlayStation 5

I don't own the newest Xbox console, so by default, the PS5 wins. But as a piece of tech overall, Probably the best purchase I have made this year.

Honorable Mention,

The iPhone 12 Mini

Arguably the best phone I have ever owned. This coming March I will be eligible for an upgrade, and going for the iPhone 13 mini.

Book of The Year

I did not read (or rather listen) too many books as I would have liked, this year. But one that I really enjoyed was,

Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey

I felt like I was at a bar with the guy, listening to awesome and funny stories. Definitely worth the read or listen.

Honorable Mention,

The Sandman: Act II by Neil Gaiman

I enjoyed the first act and even more so the second. Very much looking forward to the Netflix series of the Sandman.

I also need to mention Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman, narrated by Neil Gaiman, such a great story

All things considered, this year was not half-bad. Yeah, a lot of stressful, frustrating, and infuriating things happened this year, which will not be listed here. Here, is for the things that bring me joy.

Happy 2022!