I have expressed my frustration with the ongoing pandemic, and I reiterate, I'm tired. I feel like, at this point, it's just a waiting game. It is a matter of when. No matter our best efforts, we will get infected, resistance is futile.

Today, I received an email from Marley's school,

Dear Parent, Guardian, and Staff Member:  
We have information to share with you about a COVID-19 case at our school.  
We were informed that an individual within your child's class has tested positive for COVID-19. Please keep his/her health and recovery in mind.
We no longer identify close contacts with the positive case. Therefore, continue to send your child to school but daily monitoring of symptoms over the next 10 days is a VERY important part of this process. Contact the school nurse if your child has symptoms or is being tested for COVID.  
If your child develops any symptoms, stay home, call your medical provider, or get tested. There are multiple free testing sites in the community including Preventative Health.  

I don't know how to feel about it, or what to do. It is what it is, and we are all fked

At this point I even feel a little desensitized from it all, and like I've said, it is just a matter of when.