Nostalgia, Graveyards & an NYC Apartment

I think, well, the whole video, for whatever reason just got to me, great story-telling. But the thing that really stood out to me was when he reads a note, that he scribbled; (I will be doing my best to quote here):

> Missing New York means, missing my friends, and missing my friends means missing the times we spent together, and missing those times, is nostalgia and it’s hitting me hard…

Definitely not New York for me, but let us replace NY with Puerto Rico (in my case), let us replace NY with any part of the world or place or activity in which we had great very memorable moments with friends, loved ones, or even by ourselves.

I often feel nostalgic, I miss friends and family of course, but mostly for those moments in which I was the best and normal version of myself. When the only worry was, in which direction to turn next at the next crossroad.

I relive those moments, in my head, often, and I smile every time. And maybe, hopefully, one day I’ll get to share and relive some of those moments with my girls.
