Being unbiased toward "things", is so hard, to me at least, I think. It goes for a lot of things, politics, points of view, etc. I have my ways, principles, values, truths, whatever and it is super-hard to sometimes understand the other side, other's point of view. Especially when they are against what you think (or I think rather) my own point of view, my own biases. I always remember someone saying that there are different truths. There are "absolute truths" like one day you will die, that's an absolute truth, for now. There are half-truths (forgot the example of one), and your own and it is hard to distinguish between the three sometimes.

This is something I have been trying very hard to work on. To be able to read, and hear the other point of view, someone else's truth without immediately getting rattled or defensive. I don't engage in touchy discussions much to avoid this very same issue. However, I do seek, like many other people, some kind of validation of my own biases, my non-absolute truths. Perhaps not intentionally but subconsciously. Does that make sense?

This is going to sound silly, but what brought this up to me was... In the Puerto Rican urban music scene, there are always what we call "tiraeras". One rapper or reggaeton artist calls out the other in a song, the other responds, they bully each other, and so on. And of course, I have my favorite of the two, so immediately I am biased. No matter how "good" the other might have been, I am already thinking my favorite one will respond and win. And here I am looking at my Twitter feed to see what people say and only regard as important or "correct" the tweets in which people are "Agreeing" with my point of view or bias.

I guess I have, or many of us, the tendency to create our own bubbles to protect our biases and truths. I know people who don't have a bubble, and they are able to have healthy conversations despite them having different points of view. These people inspire me, but again, it is hard.
