I watched this video like most of us probably have and to me, this is both romantic and whole lot of malarkey. I mean, I get it, some people need less time on their phones in order to “create” but most of us, we have stuff to do, things that keep us busy and away from our devices anyway. There are days I don’t even touch my phone the entire day! If you feel like you need to go to these extremes, well, sounds like a personal problem or lack of discipline and I guess I get that.

When I do the doom-scrolling is because I chose to pick up my phone, perhaps unconsciously, but ultimately, I did, my device didn’t just show up on my face. The apps on my home-screen I decided to put them there and for a reason.

Whenever I make a setup like this is for pure ascetics and very little about “functionality” or limiting “distractions”., and they never last more than a few days. Again, these extremes are for, what I think, a few people, and mostly youtubers and such.

Ultimately , it’s a choice.