It is still, at least on my side of the world, Wednesday, mitad de semana, and I have not been to the gym a single day this week. I haven’t for a few reasons, well, mainly because of exhaustion. Work has been a little hectic this week. And not only that but, I am also, a little out of wack. They always say consistency is the key, and I am now struggling with that. For the past two weeks, I had been consistent but inconsistent at the same time.

Let me explain.

Mom was here the past two weeks helping out with the girls, as Annie’s parents were away. That, in a way both, spoiled me and threw everything out of order.

I was consistent about working out every single day, but when and where, were inconsistent. Some days it would be right after work, or after picking up Marley from school, mom would be here to pick up the slack so I could do my workouts rather than go later at night after everyone is asleep like I normally would.

Last Sunday, mom left. Not only I am readjusting my work schedule and such, but everything else. We all are.

I need to build up a routine. One that no matter what, it does not get disrupted. I have been toying with the idea of early-morning workouts. Rather than going out to the gym (or even home workouts) after everyone is asleep, do it while everyone is yet still sleeping. That’d mean getting up way earlier than usual and some discipline for sure. But I need to do this for myself, I need to build up that superpower that is consistency.

Now, will I go to the gym tonight, or tomorrow morning? We shall see.