Every Thursday, at work, we have an "Idea Board" meeting, it is literally us, four of us and two on the phone, in the hall, in front of a board. In these meetings, as the name suggests, we propose ideas, discuss them, plan upon them, etc. Anyone and everyone can submit an idea, and this is done by writing your idea, by hand, on a piece of paper, with some kind of template, with context, and the department, project owner, etc.

There are dozens of them, plastered all over the board. 

Sidenote: we have some kind of meter, next to the board, that counts/measures how many ideas have been submitted and implemented, and if we get to a certain amount of points/level, we get free catered food.

Anyways, dozens, and all with their unique handwriting. And today, for whatever reason, that was all I was focusing on, each unique handwriting. In my mind, I was like, "what typeface would that one be called?"

Which made me think if I were to name my handwriting as a typeface, what would that be? Gabz Sans?  I don't know.

Now, tell me, what's your typeface?