A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, before when the pandemic started, we used to go to our local Winco Foods for our groceries. It is, locally, probably the “cheapest” place to go.

During the pandemic, obviously, we stopped going. We would much prefer to order online at our local Walmart and pick it up. Even after things loosen up a bit, we’d still rather order online and pick it up, in fact, lately, we even get stuff delivered from Walmart. Today, we decided to go back to Winco, after wha, two-three years?

Well, first off, still probably the cheapest place to shop, from what we gathered, on a few things. Second, I also remembered why I hated the place, especially on weekends. Way too many people!!

On the drive back, Annie tried to recreate the same purchase on the Walmart app. The difference? About 10 USD. However, like I’ve mentioned before, Walmart delivers and for free. Well, we paid for the Walmart plus, so deliveries are free.

We can’t still say for certain which one is better, thus far, but if the different between the two places ain’t much, i much rather have my stuff delivered over getting out into a crowded place again.
