Back in the Twitter days, every once in a while, someone, out of nowhere, not even a follower, would retweet, resurface something from a non-distant past that you totally forgot about. Well, guess what I had my first resurfacing (I am going to refer to it as resurfacing because I am confused as to whether they are called -re-blogs, re-toots, boosts, or whatever-the-fuck ) on the Mastodons this week.

Like 5 months ago or so I quoted something from this random and fabulous post, I had forgotten about, Take Care of Your Blog. The quote was,

>Blog your heart out! Blog about something you’ve learned, or blog about something you’re interested in.

Of course, I opened it up and read the whole thing again, and good god, is this post so right? It puts in perfect words why I have always wanted to blog, why I write what I write, continue to do so,

>Blog about cameras or HTML or that one browser bug you’ve noticed this morning or blog about the sky above you right this very second. How many clouds are up there? Blog about your annoying kids and your fucked up relationship and blog about that terrifying time when you went to the beach with some people you weren’t really friends with and you got drunk and then it got real dark and you didn’t have a tent so you slept on a sand dune all night long.

And the most important thing, as the article says, is you’ll connect with more people, and make new friends. I would also throw in there, new and interesting discussions but,

>Or maybe they won’t. But you’ll never know unless you write that half-assed thing that’s in your head right now.