Yesterday, I was reminded that seven years ago, I bought my first Olympus camera, the OM-D E-M10.

Why that name? Who knows. But it was as an early Father’s Day present to myself. This was back in 2016, the year when Marley was born, and she was pretty much the excuse for me to get a camera.

Why this particular camera? Well, at the time I remember reading Casey Liss’s quick thoughts on it and Shawn Blanc’s thoughts about it too. And so, that was the extent of my research, really! 😅 And not only that but it was (still is) reasonably priced. And I also knew I did not want a DSLR camera. I wanted some compact but more than just a point-and-shoot. The next thing I knew, I got myself an Oly. This camera reignited my passion for photography, I must say. Eventually, I ditched the kit lens and got myself a 25mm prime lens, a 45mm, and a 17mm. Now, perhaps two years later or so, I upgraded to the Olympus OM-D E-M10 MARK III. Still having the same three lenses in my toolkit. And still have my passion for photography.


Not going to lie, part of me wants to “upgrade” or move to a different system, like Fujifilm, but it is not a must, at least not yet. The system that I currently have still serves me well.

If you’d like to check out some of my photography, check out my Glass account page.
