Although Marley is still an eager little beaver about her braces, she’s also facing the inconvenience of them. She complains that her teeth hurt, which is most expected, they will be sore for a few dates for sure. The most difficult time is night time, gotta give her some ibuprofen beforehand and wait until, well, the pain is tolerable enough for her to settle down and fall asleep.

Last night was a little bit of a struggle and tonight, well, so far it’s shaping up to be the same. So I am here typing while she plays on her Switch waiting for the ibuprofen to do its thing. Well, I know better, she’s also stalling but it’s relatively early so I’m okay with it.

However, I could use the sleep. Last night was a struggle, also for me, in a way. It wasn’t until 2:00 am ish that I finally settled, just to have nightmares all morning long. Today, was a real struggle at work. Not only because I was sleep deprived but it was a really busy day, way too many fires to put out. Also, I ran out of one of my meds and didn’t have time to pick them up yesterday so today I was both sleep deprived and chemically unbalanced. I still managed to make it happen, still some fires left but that’s tomorrow’s Gaby’s problem. I did manage to go to the gym after work though, I was happy about that, it did me good, mentally.

Anyways, let us hope for a good night’s sleep and a better, more swimmingly day tomorrow.