Today, on this beautiful morning, the sun was out, the birds were chirping and I was ready to head out to the wilderness that is life and work. I’ve got my backpack, my lunch, my coffee, and loud music – I’m ready. I take my usual route, for when I am not taking the girls to grandma’s, and head out to the freeway. Normal traffic, nothing out of the ordinary. When I noticed that the traffic in the opposite direction was stalling more than normal. I said, hm! Then I saw that a car or two were “stopped” obstructing the traffic and there were some people sort of dealing whit the situation, cops, an ambulance, and whatnot. Then I saw it, a red car, a mini SUV, upside down, doors wide opened, yikes!

Slow down, pay attention, and be safe out there, people!

Oh, and wear your seatbelts.