Ever since I have been blogging, especially since using Micro.blog as my platform, I have had this Day One IFTTT action that every post gets logged as an entry in Day One. I have had this for years and it is nice to use it’s On This Day to recall past events and posts. However, it can be weird at times. The entries aren’t necessarily clean, they always come with random ifttt links and the blog’s URL too, so is not the cleanest format. Also, if the post had multiple images, it’d only show (or import) the very first one and omit the rest. At some point, it would seem like I managed to clean up better whatever came from gaby.micro.blog’s RSS rather than from the main blog URL (Gabz.blog), and has no random links and such but still missing photos if multiple.

The good thing about this is that it all works in the background and I don’t even have to think about it or even manage it. That being said, since I have both recipes going, I do find myself now with duplicate entries, ups! Thus, I am thinking of a different approach. It would be more manual, but it is doable.

If I compose my post in Ulysses, I can always export it in markdown format to Day One, all pictures and all. Pretty straightforward. The Challenge will be when I am composing from my work PC, which I often do. Well, luckily, Day One has a web app, currently in beta I believe, so it is all about copy and paste.

We will see how it goes.