Because there is always fun to be had at the BU (Blogging-Universe), following Otávio and Maique, here is my SpringBoard

The image shows two iPhone screens side by side. The left iPhone displays a lock screen with the date “Thursday, December 21” and the time “8:45” with no notifications. The right iPhone shows a home screen with various app icons

– What is the first app you open in the morning?

– It is usually either Carrot or, depending on which one I am using that week, or whichever podcast-radio-show app I may be using at the time just to see what my options are for the morning commute.

– What is an app you can’t live without?

Drafts,, Darkroom , and Mimi Uploader

– Is there a game app you play during breaks or in your free time?

– I always have at least 4 games installed, and ever rarely play any of them. That said, I recently downloaded a game called subpar pool That I do play every once in a while.

– What’s an underrated app that you think deserves more recognition?

Sequel, I have used almost every movie, video game, and book tracking apps out there, and neither clicked with me nor made me use it as much as Sequel.

– What is the most recent app you’ve downloaded, and why?

Strongify, because yesterday the lifetime subscription option was free, and I think will be using it heavily in the coming year.

– What is the most unique or unconventional app you use?

– I would say the Nintendo Switch Parental Control app, I mean is for parental control settings on any of your household Nintendo Switch consoles, which we have four. However I only have mine registered in the app and I use it solely for my gaming reports at the end of the month, that’s it.

– What is the most fun or entertaining app you’ve discovered recently?

– This one is going to sound perhaps horrible but, Threads… No comments!

– Which app helps you stay connected with friends and family the most?

– Sadly, Instagram

– Which app do you use to relax or unwind after a busy day?

– For this one, it would be either Audible, whichever podcast app, or even the Music app.

– What’s the phone you currently have?

– An iPhone 14 Pro.

– Do you prefer light mode or dark mode?

– I am probably more on the light mode side, most of the time, but there are times when dark mode is mandatory.

– What can you tell us about the wallpaper you’re using? – I change my wallpapers like I change undies, especially the lock screen one. The Home Screen one, however, has remained unchanged for a few weeks which is baffling to me.

What’s SpringBoard?