A while ago, I posted about my read-it-later and bookmark struggles. Well, today, I am at it again, ish.

Alt + S, is the new thing.

For the past month or so I have been bouncing between Omnivore and Instapaper. For whatever reason Omnivore doesn’t click for me and Instapaper, although is my favorite, visually, it’s another subscription. And subscriptions are something I am trying to be more mindful of these days.

Well, enter GoodLinks! I had forgotten I owned this app and that I somewhat liked it. So I am giving it another go. I installed Chrome’s extension of the app and saving things to it is super-easy, Alt + S and done! I was able to import all my bookmarks/articles from Instapaper at least and I cleaned pretty much all my Omnivore stuff.

So far so good.

Now, what about long-term preservation?

I can save everything I want but eventually one of those links may or will break. This makes me think of services like Pinboard or even Micro.blogs bookmarks, that they save a permanent copy of the page or something like that. But then again, why have a permanent record of something I might never ever come back to?

The only reason I am probably not all into MB’s Bookmark service is because there’s no easy way to add bookmarks to it, outside of MB itself, that I know of.