Is it lying?

According to my scale this morning, I am 6 lbs lighter. How that came to be, I have no idea. I haven’t been to the gym in two months. Perhaps I am losing some muscle mass? Still, 6 pounds of muscle mass is a lot. Maybe a little bit of both, muscle mass and fat? Stress? Either way, I’ll take it, lie to me, baby 😂!

That being said, the plan for Q1, is to get under 200 lbs.

We shall see.

My top 2022 movie pick

If I am to pick my top movie of 2022, that’s got to be TOPGUN: MAVERICK, hands down.

I grew up watching the original TOPGUN from 1986 over and over, obsessing over it almost. This new one, brought nostalgia, fun, and excitement.


The Batman (2022)

Challenge, for 2023

For January 2023, I’ll do a photography challenge, for myself. Although I’ve done these before, it is always good to do these for both practice and to get out off my comfort zone in a way. I am always shooting photos, with my camera, with a 45mm lens (I believe the equivalent in full frame is 90mm). On this challenge, I intend to shoot on 17mm (35mm equivalent) for the whole month of January.

I think this is me trying to convince — or test —myself that I can shoot at this focal length too. Otherwise, I’ll sell the lens, lol. My comfort zone has always been the 45mm or 25mm (50mm equivalent).

We shall see.

My top 5 video games of 2022.

Welcome, to another post of Games of the Year!

God Of War Ragnarök

My impressions of the game are here.

God of War Ragnarok review: Get in loser, we're stopping the apocalypse

This is the kind of game, well this is the game that you'd want to buy a PlayStation 5 for. I have played through the entire main story and it was a thrill, to play this game. Definitely worth coming back to it for the extra missions.

 Xenoblade Chronicles 3

My impressions of the game are here.

Xenoblade Chronicles 3's Release Date Has Been Pushed Up by Almost Two Months - CNET

By far, one of the bests games I have played on the Nintendo Switch this year. The character development, and the overall story, it's so great! I genuinely invested in these characters and the sorry, chapter 5, uff, it really got to me. A game is definitely worth picking up and enjoying.

Horizon Forbidden West 

No impressions on this one, not sure why 🤷🏼‍♂️

Horizon Forbidden West review: A crowd-pleasing sequel | Tom's Guide

I am very surprised, I did not make a post on this one, or perhaps I did while I was hosting – briefly – my blog in Ghost. So we can say that those impressions on the game... ghosted.

This is another game, worth getting a PlayStation 5 for, even though this game also came out for the PS4 if memory serves. The graphics, story, action, and everything about this game make it a  game of the year for me.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge

My impressions of the game are here.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge gets new gameplay video |

Best Independent game I played on the Nintendo Switch this year. Developer Tribute Games did an outstanding job on this game. Bringing a great beat 'em u, full of fun nostalgia, a fantastic soundtrack, and lots of fun!

Trek to Yomi 

Also, no impressions.

Trek to Yomi Review – Masterfully Crafted

I can't recall how I became aware of this game but I do remember taking notice of its classic samurai film visuals. It was like Ghost of Tsushima but in side-scrolling. I can't really say that is 2D side-scrolling because it does have some different camera angles. The game is beautiful and full of surprises, and it can also be tough, it is almost soul-like. You need to memorize your opponents' attacks and strike at the right time, there's no hacking and slashing your way through this one.

Games on deck:

Currently, I am playing a few other games that haven't played enough to be runner-ups.

On the Switch, Chained Echoes.

Chained Echoes - Chained Echoes

created by a single developer, is my understanding, with the help of some pixel art artists but developed by  Matthias Linda. What got me sold on this game is that it is an homage to games like Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy VI. Very much calling back to some SNES classics JRPGs. I have played a few hours but not enough to be truly invested yet.

On the PlayStation 5, Need For Speed Unbound

Need for Speed Unbound Review – Check Engine Light

I do have a lot to say about this one, I think. I have played a significant amount so far and I have a lot of mixed feelings, mostly good but, well, stay tuned.

Well, there ya' have it, my top 5. Let me know, down bellow, what are your top 5 games, if any, and what have you been playing.

Okay guys, until next time! ✌🏼

What's your typeface?

Every Thursday, at work, we have an "Idea Board" meeting, it is literally us, four of us and two on the phone, in the hall, in front of a board. In these meetings, as the name suggests, we propose ideas, discuss them, plan upon them, etc. Anyone and everyone can submit an idea, and this is done by writing your idea, by hand, on a piece of paper, with some kind of template, with context, and the department, project owner, etc.

There are dozens of them, plastered all over the board. 

Sidenote: we have some kind of meter, next to the board, that counts/measures how many ideas have been submitted and implemented, and if we get to a certain amount of points/level, we get free catered food.

Anyways, dozens, and all with their unique handwriting. And today, for whatever reason, that was all I was focusing on, each unique handwriting. In my mind, I was like, "what typeface would that one be called?"

Which made me think if I were to name my handwriting as a typeface, what would that be? Gabz Sans?  I don't know.

Now, tell me, what's your typeface?

On writing my thoughts.

I’ve read many times, to write my thoughts before bed, apparently it helps with sleeping better. Also, many times, there’s so much running through my head to figure out what exactly to write about or where to even start. I’m sure there are ways to work around that. I know journaling applications like Day One have templates for this, like many others. These templates or exercises consists of a few questions about your mood, your day, wins, and failures (I think) and goals for tomorrow, etc. I have thought about this, and it gives me some anxiety. Why? Well, it means I have to think and be honest with myself. It means I might also get overwhelmed with everything that there’s to do and accomplish. That perhaps I’m not as much in control as I think I am.

I have always been, for years, in this philosophy that things will just work out. Well, spoiler alert, it doesn’t always. Like a great philosopher once said;

> That’s not how the force works!

There’s got to be some effort to put on. There is responsibility and accountability. There are many things about me that I know I need to get straightened up, that I need to be more responsible about.

Like most of us, I am a work in progress. But acknowledging that and doing something about it, are very different things, I would think.

This is my fear about writing my thoughts out. It will reveal some truths that, in some way, I’ve been just putting in the back of my head, and neglecting them. Perhaps thinking that by neglecting and pretending they aren’t there, eventually, by some act of the force, they’ll all be fixed, and it’ll all workout. Without any effort, just with the bare minimum.

Back to the regular.

It has been a week, and it was fun, also, in a way, I am glad it is over.

My sister and her husband were in town this past week, visiting. Mostly to spend time with the girls and celebrate Christmas with us. Even though I was still working during the week, or at least from Monday through Thursday, and only half days, I got enough time to spend with them. This also made my week extremely busy. After working, I catered to my visitors, so I had almost no time to post, blog, or even catch up with my RSS. That being said, family is more important.

They left Monday morning, and luckily we also had it off, so we had time to rest and sort of, normalize again.

Now, back to the regular schedule.

How many days until I don't miss it?

How many days post bird site closure until you don’t either miss it or think about it any longer? I wish I did not know the new owner, that I wouldn’t be listening – and reading – people talking about it as much, and maybe, just maybe I would still be using it in some way.

Also, how many days until Mastodon becomes normal? I feel like since forever I have been forcing myself to use it and interact there. Luckily, there is a fine community of people in the local timeline I can interact with so it is starting to become “normal”.

The one thing I noticed since quitting Twitter, is the lack of information I am getting, like news and stuff. I still do get some through Mastodon but it is very little. Some of the more geeky-like sites do have Instagram so I followed a few there.

I truly miss all the pixel art artists and indie game developers I used to follow. Follow their gaming development journey until the day I finally saw the game announced. I miss some of the Puerto Rican peoples I use to follow and interact with, although a lot of them, like almost everyone on Twitter, was complaining about something socially, but it was a way to stay in the know about what was happening on the Island. Some of them have moved to Mastodon but it is a very small portion and they rarely post.

There is a sense of loss and grievance in some way, I’m not gonna lie, as dramatic as that may sound, and I can’t seem to be able to shake it off.

How many days?

I guess time will tell.

Thank you for coming to my TED talk!

Apple Watch Ultra Nitpicks

Having the Apple Watch ultra, aka Megazord, and though I love it, I do also have a few nitpicks.

First is the strap, I have the orange Alpine loopy thingamajigger. Love the color and the way it looks, but the fit, for me, is a little weird, it can be too tight or too loose. Too loose wasn’t a huge issue before, but this watch is chunky and slightly heavy — compared to the regular Apple Watch — so it moves a lot. I prefer to wear it tightly, that also means, it sits too close to my hand; thus, I take many accidental screenshots. And although I own many other Apple Watch bands, I don’t feel like using any of them. I do intend to buy a new one, sometime soon, hopefully.

The action button, I made the mistake of setting it up, so it’d start a specific workout. I have started many workouts, on accident. Sometimes, without realizing it until about 20 mins later.

The strap, I can tell, it’s not going to age well, unless I do stay on top of it and wash it regularly. I mean, it’s fabric.

And still, it is my favorite Apple Watch ever owned.

A game I have been playing.

Gungrave G.O.R.E on the PlayStation5

Gungrave G.O.R.E. Hands-On Preview: Resurrecting a PS2 Cult Classic

I got to start by saying that I am a massive Gungrave fan, I watched the anime adaptation back in the day, and I played the two games that came out on Play Station 2, Gungrave (2002) and Gungrave Overdose (2004), so I may have gotten a wee overexcited when I saw the announcement of Gungrave G.O.R.E. 

This game is a third-person action shooter, you take on the role of our hero, Grave,  a gunslinger, a sweeper for the Millenion mafia, now working alongside an organization called "EL-Alcangel" with one mission and one mission alone KICK THEIR ASS, well, there is a point to their mission. The setup is pretty simple, SEED, a drug that transforms its users into monsters that were thought to be eradicated, has actually survived. Now, sold by the Raven Clan, so Beyond the Grave and friends head out to stop SEED production and take the Raven Clan down. 

The stages are simple, you shoot your way from point A to point B, decimating waves and waves of enemies. Blood, explosions, wrath of god, lol, like a good old shoot 'em up. And you do that over and over until there is a boss fight of sorts. One thing that this game does differently from its predecessors, is the fact that in some instances, you don't necessarily play as Grave, there are other playable characters, that you play as for a short mission or so. Although, I think Overdose had two playable characters besides Grave if memory serves.

There are, so far, four main bosses of the Raven Clan you need to fight against, the boss fights aren't particularly super-engaging, I mean, all you do is move around shooting at your target and maybe evade one or two attacks but they push the story along. Most of the story is told in cutscenes, there isn't too much story, I mean, it is a simple setup. I don't need an overly complicated story on a shoot 'em up, honestly, the action is what you are here for.

I feel like this game is purely a fan service, you don’t have to have played any previous Gungrave games or seen the anime adaptation, though I do recommend it, at least the anime adaptation. Even if you do have a PS2, these games might be tricky to find and they probably don't hold up. However, there’s a short video explaining its history which is useful. Even I had to watch it to kinda remember some of the events of the previous games.

I am having fun with the game, but I can see how someone that is not a fan or familiar with the series might not pick up this one.


Narwhal 2022

Style: imperial stout

ABV: 10.2

Gabz’s Rating: A+

> Narwhal Imperial Stout is inspired by the mysterious creature that thrives in the deepest fathoms of the frigid Arctic Ocean. Rich with notes of espresso, baker’s cocoa, roasted grain and a light hint of smoke, Narwhal brims with malt complexity. Aggressive but refined with a velvety smooth body and decadent finish, Narwhal will age in the bottle for years to come. > > Available September – December

I should have grabbed a few more. I live this beer.

Trip to the ER

I love trips, trips are fun, but trips to the ER, nope.

Luna being Luna, yesterday, she was playing around in the kitchen, on a step stool, rearranging the Christmas decorations on the glass door. Somehow, she managed to trip over and to the floor and hurting her parts in the process. She cried a whined for a bit, but off she went. However, she got hurt enough that she didn’t want to go potty last night.

This morning, just the thought of going potty was enough to freak her out. Well, we call the pediatrician, and we were advices to go to the ER, as they didn’t have the necessary equipment, if needed, for her happenstance.

To the ER!!!!!!

So, they take an X-ray, to make sure it was fine, and it was, then they required her to go potty. Challenge, ugh, accepted. A few apple juices and popsicles later, she still would not want to go potty, she was way too scared. We tried everything. At one point, we gave her some our bracelets with the promise they would make her brave…

It took for Annie, to sort of kick me out saying, “go pick Marley from mom’s”. Which to Luna, being the big-hearted sister she is, expressed her wish to go as well. To which then we said, “well, if you go potty, you can come”.

And that was it, that was the encouragement she needed 😅 She went potty, we collected the sample the doctor needed, turned it and waited.

Luna, was so proud of herself, for going potty, and to her surprise, it did not hurt. Lady doctor comes around, congratulates Luna. Luna tells the doctor, “my parents gave me these bracelets, so I’d be brave”.

Long story short, she’s fine, everything is fine but spending about 4 hours in the ER, not fine.

No way they could've figured that out on their own

This post was originally posted last year today, it showed up in my Day One app but not on my hosted site. Which means it was posted during my Ghost time 😉

This morning on my morning commute, like in every one, I was listening to a podcast radio show, Supernatural with Ashley Flowers.

Today’s episode, ALIEN: Ancient Aliens

> Fragments of a map from the 1500s sparked a theory that’s been going strong for decades. It holds that extraterrestrials have been visiting Earth for thousands of years, gifting humans with advanced tech far beyond our means. Today, we investigate the mysteries that make aliens seem almost plausible.

I don’t talk about this often, or rather, I don’t blog or have conversations online about this particular topic, perhaps because it has been beaten to death. But I am a sucker for all things aliens or theories on ancient technology and such. So, this episode was very fascinating to me. Then, something was addressed that blew my mind. Something I had never considered before or was brought up to my attention until now.

In the last five minutes;

> And speaking of Europe there’s something we need to address with the exception of Stonehenge all of these ancient alien theories revolve around non-European cultures as tons of actual experts have pointed out this reinforces the old imperialist idea that nonwhite cultures are inherently less capable like no one ever questions are the ancient Greeks built the Parthenon or how the Romans perfected aqueducts even hard core ancient alien theorist Hindu accepted yes the evidence is clear they did that themselves cultures in Africa or the Americas accomplish something similar the reaction is somehow there’s no way they could’ve figured that out on their own

Wow! They think so little of us not white people.

(And yes, I used Drafts’s new transcribe feature for this) 😎🎙

Not well

With Ellen's retirement, work is becoming increasingly overwhelming by the day. I guess it's finally sinking in. It was yesterday when I realized all the things that will and are becoming my responsibility, or at least what I think they will or taking upon myself because, there's no one else, I think. I am trying to be the person most people relied on, a person with 25-plus years of experience and lots of knowledge in the genetic purity world. I only have 3. So yeah, I am freaking out a little bit. 

I think what makes it a little worse this week is the fact that a lot of people are either on a business trip or vacation, so help is in short supply, plus there is all the other stuff I take care of, the stuff in my plate, which it becomes very overwhelming by the end of the year, like every year.

So here I am starting at my computer screen, trying to figure it out whilst trying to keep it all together, mentally. Typing my feelings away so I can get on with my day. Or at least try.

A game I have been playing

Dawn of the Monsters on the Nintendo Switch

I had no idea, this game even excised. I am even surprised it didn’t even make it into my radar as someone who’s constantly checking what’s new in the eShop. I believe the game was first released, at least on the Nintendo shop, back in March. It wasn’t until I was watching a resent episode of Happy Console Gamer, my second favorite Canadian, that I made aware of this game.

> Side-scrolling, kaiju beat-‘em-up!

When I read that, I was sold! Imagine Streets of Rage meets Pacific Rim! Just like your typical beat-‘em-up, you fight a wave of enemies, all of them monsters, and move to the next area and at the end of it, there will be a boss fight. A simple formula that still works.

You get to pick in between 4 characters, two mecas and two kaijus that’s somehow fight for humanity. You get to select deferent upgrades or enhancements. And off you go.

The story is, so far, simple, save humanity by getting rid of the “nephilim” (the monsters).

The art it’s great, very anime/comic book ish.

The music it’s fine, not mind-blowing like other games of its genre, but it fits.

It has really been a lot of fun playing this game. In fact, I have been playing on local co-op with my oldest daughter, and she’s also been having fun with it. The game isn’t super-difficult, I have probably died once, it can get a little hairy when multiple enemies band together and your daughter is too busy watching YouTube rather than play with you.

I said goodbye

Though I have deleted or deactivated my Twitter account a while ago, I kept both Twitterrific and Tweetbot installed. I mean, they are both good-looking apps (or icons, since I can’t actually look the apps interface without logging on to Twitter).

Perhaps for nostalgia, or as part of one of the five stages of grief. Who knows? Today I have finally deleted them from my device.

Bye Ollie, bye angry looking bird 🐦

State of the backpack

Usually, around this time of the year, I do an inventory of sorts, of my backpack. I call it, the State of the backpack 20XX edition or something like that. I have been meaning to go through and compose it. Here is the thing though, This year has been, well, it's been a year. *Especially** in the past 6 months, and mostly work-wise.

Therefore, my backpack has become the closest in your house, that you are scared of and you don't dare to open it anymore, *el-oh-el*. I don't even know what things I may have in there. I know for sure My camera is in there, and sometimes, my work computer and random stuff. Too much random stuff. Again, I don't even know anymore.

Recently though, I received a box, a Stitch-Fix box, and in this box, besides a few shirts and jeans, I also got boots and a backpack! There is nothing super-special about this backpack, it is called The North Face Vault Backpack.


Like I said, nothing special, no special pocketses or hidden things or fancy features but I love the color and its simplicity to be honest. For the past three years and then some, I have been using the 20L Peak Design Everyday Backpack, which is outstanding. If you know me, you know I am a backpack junkie, and the fact that I haven't bought anything else in over three years, that's saying something.

The Vault backpack has not replaced my Everyday one in any way – yet. So far I have been using it as a gym bag, the few times I had the chance to go to the gym right after work, which in reality won't be happening again. But it has made me realize that the Everyday Backpack, has become too much for my daily use. I mean, I love the look of it, the quality of it, and how easy is to store and access my camera with it but a lot of it is not necessarily super-practical for me, at this point. 

I may try, to experiment using this less-featured backpack and see how it fairs to my needs, carrying the camera with this one, might be an issue since there is no special compartment or some pocket that could double as a camera compartment. 

Maybe I could find a backpack that could be the happy spot between these two?

We shall see.

I know for sure I don't want to be carrying a ton of stuff anymore other that the necessary things.

Oh maybe, it just occurred to me as typing my thoughts away, I can use the less-featured one just for my daily working days. Then use my Everyday, for my off-work daily shenanigans, and just carry less shit in it.

See? it all works out.

Let me know what you all use, down in the comments.

Okay guys, until next time.

The last day of November

It is the day. The last day of November, and the last day of Ellen, the day I’ve been dreading. Oh! Well!

Besides that, it is cold, and it is snowing 🌨️

The commute wasn’t terrible, but not ideal. Fuck Elon, by the way. Two things you would rather not be thinking about whilst driving to work in these conditions are, I need new wipers and new set of tires 😶

Part of the road was pretty icy and slippery, but I managed.

Under new Management

> But your favorite bar is under new management, and whether you want to admit it or not, you know damn well what kind of bar they’re making it into. You need to think long and hard about whether you’re okay with that.

Source: Twitter, failure modes, and your favorite bar | Coyote Tracks

A wrestling story

Back in the day, when I was much much younger, probably about 8 to 10 years old, my dad and I would go watch wrestling matches pretty regularly. We were both huge wrestling fans. I still kind of am, but don’t follow it as closely as I used to.

Anyways, on one event… Okay, there used to be this wrestler back then, called El Bronco. He was pretty big, not super-defined but a big guy. He, at the time, used to wear a mask. I was such a fan, that I made my dad buy me that mask, at that event.

Later that night, it was time for El Bronco to fight. He comes out, I’m excited, I am cheering, and with my mask on. Then, it is time for the rival, to come out. He comes out, music is playing and I immediately take my mask off. I was so sacred, that his rival would confuse me with El Bronco, 😅.

I, a skinny 8-year-old, get confused by a huge wrestler just by wearing the same mask.