Something I liked this week Volume 26

Mortal Kombat 11 for The Nintendo Switch

I am a huge fan of this franchise, have played many iterations of it, I love everything about it and I also really suck at them. I really do, Mortal Kombat has always been one those fighting games that I just don’t get the mechanics of it or the fighting style and yet, I love them. I love the overall story and the entire lore on this universe.

I haven’t played a MK game in many years and 11 looked cool. Enough to make me want to play it, even when I know I’d suck. This game goes on sale often on the Nintendo eShop, I happened to have some credit so I bought it.

Though I have been playing other games like Street of Rage 4 which it’s probably my favourite release of the year (so far) and Huntdown, which it also has been a lot of fun. I should probably write some of my impressions on it.

Anyway,a few days ago I started playing it and I gotta say, it’s been lots of fun so far. I really wasn’t expecting such an elaborate story with this game. Again I haven’t played an MK game in years so as far as I was concerned I was just gonna get a small story and just fighting. Little did I know that it actually has a very elaborate fluent story with conversations, cool cutscenes and all.

As far as the fighting, well obviously I am playing on the easiest settings available and yet I still suck. I mean, I don’t die often but you won’t see me doing all kinds of cool moves or combos or any of the sorts. I do just enough to survive, beat the other character so I can advance in the story. Of course I can figure out some character better than others like Scorpion or Sub-zero and maybe Liu Kang but that’s it.

Again, I am having fun and once I beat the story I doubt I’ll replay it but who knows. 😁

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla.

🔗 Yes, Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is bigger than Odyssey - Rock Paper Shotgun

> I would actually say in terms of range it is probably a bit larger than Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. I do not have the exact figures at this stage, but we have not only created the whole country, which is in this case England, but also a good part of Norway too. There are other secret worlds, which I can not speak about today, which contributed to the size of the game. It’s not a small game. It is a game which is clearly ambitious, which will offer many, many hours of gameplay for the players.

If you somewhat know me or have been reading my blog, or even if you’ve never read it or care to know me - 😅. You should know (or will learn) that I am a huge fan for AC: Odysse. I have clocked over a hundred hours on this game. Now, learning that the next installment of this franchise will be bigger… I. Can. Not. Wait.


> Custom Robo for Gamecube was released on this day in North America, 16 years ago (2004)

One of those games I remember playing over and over again.

🙌🏼 🎮 🐍 🐍

😎 #sor4

Something I liked this week Volume 26.

Remember side scrolling beat-‘em-up games? Like Streets of Rage 2 (probably the one I remember the most from this franchise) Double Dragon (I played this on the SEGA MASTER SYSTEM II, spent hours playing coop with my best friend) or one of my old time favorites Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time (Arcade, SNES) or the Ninja Warriors? Oh and I cannot forget to mention SNES’s Batman Returns, this game was a lot of fun!

These type of games were my favorite genre growing-up, to me it was the Arcade era with some of them (Remember Arcades?). The games you would play with one of your friends side-by-side or just spend hours – and a lots of coins – playing by yourself.

Some of these I still play to this day, for example Ninja Warriors, this game got remade a few times and then finally brought to the Nintendo Switch last year, I think, as The Ninja Saviors: Return of the Warriors. Thugh you can still get the original on the eShop, I much rather play this version.

This week though, finally, we got Streets of Rage 4 and oh boy I was excited to get my hands on this one. I purchased the game on the Nintendo Switch, my gaming console of choice these days and I am loving it. Is not a remake, it is a sequel, which I very much appreciate. It has all the cool elements that bring back all those memories from the previous iterations. The art is fantastic, it reminds me a little bit what they did with Street Fighter V with the cool art. The music is amazing on this game! If there’s something that makes these games awesome, is the music. As a matter of fact, I have been listening to the game’s soundtrack when I’m not playing it 😅.

Streets of Rage 4 (Original Game Soundtrack) by Olivier Deriviere

Although the game has its own modern but awesome soundtrack, you can also switch to the classic retro style music while playing the game, super cool.

There’s not a whole lot to say about the gameplay itself, I mean it’s you walking around beating the crap about of thugs. Each character have their own special move which it reduces your life bar a little bit but if you punch a couple of bad guys right after you get what you lost back. If you don’t hit anybody or they hit you after performing the special attack then you’ll loose it. I think this is why I keep dying a lot, because I use those moves a lot 😅. They’re pretty cool though, it’s a shame no to use them.

The game isn’t too difficult, granted I am playing it on easy 😝. I have been playing pretty much non-stop since I downloaded it and just finished it a few hours ago. And yet, I immediately started the game again, with a different character this time around. You can actually switch characters in the middle of your current game but I want to play the whole story one character at a time.

Again, I am having lots of fun with this game, worth every penny!

Something I liked this week Volume 25.

WARRIORS OROCHI 4 Ultimate for the Nintendo Switch.

Well, I have done it, after lots of debating with I-self I did it! Over the weekend, I have purchased Warriors Orochi. I had been hesitant to buy it for a couple of reasons. There are other games I would also like to play that are also cheaper than this game. Some other games are coming out soon. Also, the Musou gaming style formula, it is one that, once you have played a game like this, you have pretty much played them all. I have played a lot of these games.

I have probably mentioned before, I have played the Dynasty/Samurai Warriors games since back in the PlayStation 2 days, Dynasty Warriors 3 being the first one, up to 9th (which it was a huge disappointment). Then, in between the regular games, you had the Extreme Legends editions and the Empires and the Orochi series, etc. There is a whole genre or series of games with the same formula and I have played a few of them like, ARSLAN: THE WARRIORS OF LEGEND, WARRIORS ALL-STARS, Fate/EXTELLA: The Umbral Star, Fire Emblem Warriors and Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition. There is yet another game, kinda with the same formula that I belive it’s on the PS4 but I am waiting for the western release on the Switch which is Persona 5 Scramble: The Phantom Strikers – so excited.

Anyhow, Warriors Orochi 4, like I said I was afraid that since I have played many of this type of game, that I would be bored or just play a little bit and put it to the side. Well, I am happy to report that, that has not being the case. I have been playing non-stop since I got it, I am enjoying this game with the same smile on my face as I remember enjoying DW3. Of course, it has come a long way since DW3, combat it’s a lot more fluid, you have more enemies on the screen which makes the hack and slashing through the field so satisfying. I am feeling right at home with this game. The strength of this game doesn’t lay in the story, especially on this one.

> Set in a world on the brink of chaos, heroes from across the Warring States period of Japan and the Three Kingdoms era of China successfully defeat the evil Orochi and end his reign. These two worlds, merged by an unknown entity, are again threatened. As they begin to uncover the mystery surrounding their arrival, their discoveries lead them to one deity: Zeus, the supreme god among gods.

The controls are pretty easy to master, the action is good. In the previous games, you would select one hero and fight your way through thousands in battle, now, you have a team of three characters all with their unique abilities. I am kind of a one-man army mindset still, so even though I have three on my team, I pretty much use the same character. It plays well on handheld mode but I find it a wee bit better docked since there’s quite a lot going on on the screen. The voices in the game are all in Japanese, that doesn’t bother me except when I’m in battling my way through. There is a lot of interaction between different characters in the game and it is hard to pay attention to the text while you’re having fun hacking and slashing. I don’t think you can change the language, not sure.

Either way, I am having a blast with this game, it doesn’t require a lot of focus or too much thinking, which is excellent. Sometimes we need a “dumb” game, I am very delighted with my purchase.

🙌🏼 Video Game Advisor:


On Astral Chain, well that’s a wrap. I haven’t had such an amazing gaming experience since Nier: Automata. What a story and the gameplay. This game was awesome and beautiful on its own way.

What to do, what to do?

As every year goes, for my birthday, I get a lot, well not like a lot lot but some gift cards and such from different members of my family. This year was not the exception. But, here’s my conundrum. What do I do with all of it (😅)? As we all, I always want things, I’ve got a list of things I want, whether it’s video games, movies or and something from the AppStore. Those things that are in the back of your head “I’ll buy that when I get some extra money or credits, what have you”. So when I finally get some, let’s say credits, to spend I can’t decide what I want to spend them on(😩).

The first thing I usually do is that I go to the Nintendo eShop and look through my wishlist. I have many games in there and I want them all but when “credits” are limited I have to make decisions and those are hard. Not only that there are other games up for pre-order that I know for sure I would want to play. What if I pre-order those instead? I don’t know if I am gonna be able to in a month or two from now when those games are available.

Then there is this one game in particular, Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate, this game has been in my wishlist since forever. The game at this point it’s two-years-old, I belive, and the digital copy it’s quite spendy still. Here is the thing about this game. I am a huge Musou-game-style fan. My first experience with this genre was with Dynasty Warriors 3 and this game made me fell in love with the Hack and slash/you vs a 1000 people style of game. I have played every single iteration of these games since. Then it was Samurai Warriors, same game but set in Japan and later on came The Warriors Orochi series, which combines both universes into one game. So, WO4 would be technically the 5th game in the Orochi series, and at this point, by combining all the characters in these two series, there is about a hundred and twenty playable characters total. This is one of these games that I know for sure I will play over and over again and yet I hesitate. Should I? Should I not?

  • “😇 Trails of Mana it’s coming out on the twentieth twenty-fourth, you should pre-order that instead”.

  • “😈 But Warriors Orochi, hack and slash bruuuu, mass-murdering!”

Decisions, Decisions.

🙌🏼🎮 Persona 5 Scramble: The Phantom Strikers [Japan Import]: Video Games

I really, really want this game. Not sure I want to pay 94 USDs for it. Sadly , there’s no release date for the US — yet.

Something I liked this week Volume 24.

Astral Chain for the Nintendo Switch.

I got this game back in…Was it last summer? Maybe, whenever it came out and I played a little bit of it then I had stopped. I can’t remember the exact reason, maybe another game had also been released then and shifted my attention away from it.

The gist of this game is basically this futuristic mega city in which you and your sister (the two playable characters) are members of this special Police task force. Members of this task force are equipped with sentient armaments called Legions. With the Legions you are able you see and fight these otherworldly beings called chimeras.

So, a few days ago I picked it up again. Started right from the beginning just to refresh my memory. The game starts off with some action fallowed with some slow buildup. But now that I have pretty much done with all the semi-tutorial stuff, I am so sucked into this game. And the worse thing is that so far I haven’t had a “break” as in it is one thing after the other and you can’t stop playing because you’ve got to know what’s going to happen next! This last mission I played, I was thought for sure I was done and was gonna go back to HQ and “take a break”. NOPE!

I do like this though, games that keep me engaged and wanting to know what’s next. No chores! This game has a lot of cool fights and amazing cool looking finishing combos. Some amazing visuals and I love the art, it is very Anime-like. There’s also some puzzle elements to it but not Zelda like. As well of some investigative work, crime scenes and probably my least favorite part just because I much prefer the punchy-punchy, smashy-smashy - 😅.

The detective part reminds me a lot of the Arkham Asylum games, it’s pretty much the same deal. So if you’ve played those games then you’ll be pretty familiar with investigating crime scenes. With the difference that instead of looking fur a killer, most likely will be some nasty monster from another dimension.

Update: no wonder why i am loving this game, these are the same people who made Nier: Automata

🙌🏼 🎮 Penny-Punching Princess for Nintendo Switch - Nintendo Game Details

Looks like a fun game worth checking out.


🙌 🎮 My Nintendo News:

> Trials of Mana demo launches on Nintendo Switch tomorrow…

Breath of The Wild Shamed.

I was having a conversation today, in a super-secret discord channel, about them video games. In the conversation, Zelda Breath Of The Wild was mentioned. Part of me feels Zelda-shamed that I haven’t been able to truly play and stick to this game. I purchased this game when I first bought my Nintendo Switch. What, like 3 years ago maybe? And I don’t think I never left the Plateau. I even remember an ex-coworker lending me the Game-Guide so I could actually play it and so we could geek-out about at work. Long story-short, I never got to play it and then I was laid off el-oh-el.

Anyhow, I need to play this game, I really do. I see images and videos all over the internet and I am always on aw! I have Amiibos related to the game, wallpapers on my phone and computer, a tattoo even, clearly I am a fan of the franchise and its lore. But can’t stick to the damn game!

Probably my biggest drawback or inability to play this game is how open and adventurous it is. These days I rather play something more lineal and with clear direction – I think. I always remember when I was supposed to prepare some dish, I had a hard time figuring out the ingredients, like somehow I was supposed to know that, but really. How the fuck was I supposed to know? I had to google the damn thing. And it also felt chroy, like I was doing chores all the time and dying a lot, that was also frustrating.

By the looks of it, it seems like we are also headed to some kind of quarantine situation here in the Idahos. Good excuse to jump-in maybe.

We shall see!

I suck at gaming sometimes.

Have you ever been a fan of a franchise or genre of games, that you are very fan of but can’t play them or being good at them? For whatever reason. I do! There are a few games that I love the idea, the story, the entire lore about them, but man, do I suck at playing them.

A few examples,

Mortal Kombat, love this franchise, i love everything about it, but I suck at fighting games. Especially trying to remember combos and how to od fatalities and such! I can’t remember which one it was, but i was so glad he had cheat-codes to do falatilies. Another fighting game/franchise I have always loved is Street Fighter and I am probably actually decent at this one.

  • Castlevania, another franchise I have followed throughout the years, my favorite probably been SON. Again, I have no patience for them, sometimes they can be too difficult or too annoying, love them regardless.

  • Final Fantasy, love them, I own a couple of them on different systems and have probably never have finished them. This is the case with many RPGs or JRPGs, I love everything about them and I buy them, start playing them and at some point, i lose interest or they turn to be “difficult” or tedious, feel like i am doing chores. Whatever the case may be, and even so, I keep being a fan of them and buying them.

A few examples of those;

  • Zelda, I have actually finished just a few of them. Keep trying to play BoW but the same thing, I feel like I am doing chores.
  • Almost any Shin Megami Tensei game
  • Star Ocean, I have played many of them and almost always don’t finish them.
  • Metroid, love Metroid and always get excited every time a new one gets announced or talked about, very rarely have finished on of them and probably i don’t longer have the patience for them.
  • Pokemon, The only ones I have actually finished, Pearl, Let’s Go Pikachu and Sword
  • Resident Evil, I think the only Resident Evil I played from start to finish was Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 5. The only reason I was able to finish RE2 was that I had my budy, on the phone with me throughout most of the game. Prepping me to what was to come and what to do. RE5, well, that one wasn’t scary at all so. RE4, couldn’t continue it, it was too scary, I remmber. When the Remake for RE2 was announced I got excited, I remember I downloaded the demo and couldn’t even play the demo! And obviously, I am excited for the remake of RE3, doubt I will play it though,
  • KATANA ZERO I LOVE this game, I love the music, the design, the colors, the game-style, the story, the gore, everything about this game! But man, this game is difficult, I haven’t been able to finish it.

I think these are my most memorable examples and again, RPGs, in general, are both loved and hated in some shape or form!