We are seven days into the new year, 2022, and I have been busy. Well, busy trying to change things around in my weblog. You know, tinkering.

  • A new theme, I am using Pure by Chris, and I made some tweaks here and there to make it more me. I really hope he won't mind. Mainly font, colors, truncated posts and I may or may not have blatantly stolen – like an artist 😉 – his custom footer setup, with a twist (ish). 
  • I retired on this day, and replace it with Surprise Me!
  • I am not using Micro.blog's default Photos menu, instead, I repurposed my blot.im account to be my Photography weblog or Camera Roll. Which also means that I may or may not have retired Glass Photos and Instagram (gasps in Spanish!).

Another area that's seeing some significant changes is my iPhone Homescreen setup as well as some of my systems. However, I am not 100% settled yet, so more on that later, stay tuned.

Need a new avatar too!
