The struggles

Although Marley is still an eager little beaver about her braces, she’s also facing the inconvenience of them. She complains that her teeth hurt, which is most expected, they will be sore for a few dates for sure. The most difficult time is night time, gotta give her some ibuprofen beforehand and wait until, well, the pain is tolerable enough for her to settle down and fall asleep.

Last night was a little bit of a struggle and tonight, well, so far it’s shaping up to be the same. So I am here typing while she plays on her Switch waiting for the ibuprofen to do its thing. Well, I know better, she’s also stalling but it’s relatively early so I’m okay with it.

However, I could use the sleep. Last night was a struggle, also for me, in a way. It wasn’t until 2:00 am ish that I finally settled, just to have nightmares all morning long. Today, was a real struggle at work. Not only because I was sleep deprived but it was a really busy day, way too many fires to put out. Also, I ran out of one of my meds and didn’t have time to pick them up yesterday so today I was both sleep deprived and chemically unbalanced. I still managed to make it happen, still some fires left but that’s tomorrow’s Gaby’s problem. I did manage to go to the gym after work though, I was happy about that, it did me good, mentally.

Anyways, let us hope for a good night’s sleep and a better, more swimmingly day tomorrow.

No corn.

Counting corn, ain’t happening today. I forgot they were watering the field today so it is all muddy and almost un-walkable. This means I’ll have to finish up on Monday, and next week, it’s going to be scorching hot. However, if I survived Florida, I can pretty much survive anywhere.

It is all peachy!

Coming up. How to delete your Reddit account. Just like everybody in the Mother will be blogging about for the next few days.


🔗 Why My Adventures With Superman Is More Like Dragon Ball Z Than You Realized

Why My Adventures With Superman Is More Like Dragon Ball Z Than You Realized Image

Similar to Dragon Ball, My Adventures With Superman features a constant sense of escalation where Superman grows stronger with time and experience and gains new abilities, only to find those abilities tested by ever-stronger opponents. Though as Wyatt explained, as much as the show draws from Dragon Ball, that sense of escalation has always been a part of the Superman comics. The crime-fighting Superman of the early Golden Age stories is hardly the all-powerful defender of the DC Universe he's become.  

My entire life, I have been a Superman fan, and ever since a teenager, a Dragon Ball Z fan. I am very eager to watch this and see what they do with this iteration of Superman.

Force-closing like it is 2010

 this post was going to be a Toot

I force-closed my apps for 3 days. It made me kinda hate my phone. by Matt Birchler

I'll say up front that I don’t judge anyone who force-closes their apps.


This seemed like a good experiment or POC, and a good write-up. I personally never force-closed my apps, In my head the devices are "smart" enough to handle this. Well, I may use to do it back in the iPhone4 days, but not anymore. I can't remember when I stopped doing it. My lady, on the other hand, still does, I see her force-closing her apps, and her brothers too, and yes, I judge them every time. Seems like a waste of time to me. 

On kettlebells

If you have fooled my blog or at least know me a bit, you should know that when it comes to working out, I prefer kettlebells. And if you didn’t, well, now you know. I love kettlebell workouts, I’ve been doing them for years now, circa 2013.

Why? Well, it’s not so traditional, I much prefer their versatility and “playfulness”. I find gym machines boring, plus there are some benefits to it.

  • It helps with full-body strength.
  • Low impact cardio
  • Improves core strength and stability.
  • Explosive power in the hips. (queue swings and snatches)
  • And betters coordination and mobility.

Among other things.

It’s so easy to just grab a bell, and have a good full-body workout. I can do it at the gym or at home. I currently have two bells in my play box.

I can just take them both, put a mat on the patio and go at it, or on the grass. Outdoor workouts are the best, in my opinion. I need more bells, I want a set of the same weight for double-handed workouts, and a very heavy one. But for now, these should work and do more than enough “damage” 😏

Keep moving!

My body and I

Gaby: let’s work out!

Body: sure!

Gaby: let’s do 5 rounds of 500 meters on the rowing machine

Body: fuck you, we are doing 3

Gaby: let’s do 5 rounds of x6 heavy kettlebell swings, x8 cleans to squat to press and 6 burpees

Body: fuck them burpees, not today!

Gaby: okay, no burpees then.

Something or someone is telling me I need to get some rest.

Seven years of Oly

Yesterday, I was reminded that seven years ago, I bought my first Olympus camera, the OM-D E-M10.

Why that name? Who knows. But it was as an early Father’s Day present to myself. This was back in 2016, the year when Marley was born, and she was pretty much the excuse for me to get a camera.

Why this particular camera? Well, at the time I remember reading Casey Liss’s quick thoughts on it and Shawn Blanc’s thoughts about it too. And so, that was the extent of my research, really! 😅 And not only that but it was (still is) reasonably priced. And I also knew I did not want a DSLR camera. I wanted some compact but more than just a point-and-shoot. The next thing I knew, I got myself an Oly. This camera reignited my passion for photography, I must say. Eventually, I ditched the kit lens and got myself a 25mm prime lens, a 45mm, and a 17mm. Now, perhaps two years later or so, I upgraded to the Olympus OM-D E-M10 MARK III. Still having the same three lenses in my toolkit. And still have my passion for photography.


Not going to lie, part of me wants to “upgrade” or move to a different system, like Fujifilm, but it is not a must, at least not yet. The system that I currently have still serves me well.

If you’d like to check out some of my photography, check out my Glass account page.


A game I have been playing: Diablo IV

In the past few weeks or so I have been playing, well, a few games. One of them is The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, which I have played a couple of ours and have my thoughts about it, but not today.

Another game I have been playing is Cassette Beasts on the Nintendo Switch. This one is like a whole different take on a Pokemon game-like. It is super fun, the soundtrack is great, and awesome pixel art. So far it’s a little buggy, but it is so much fun that I can get past the fact. Have more thoughts but not today.

The game that’s got me knees deep on right now, is Diablo IV, currently playing on the PlayStation 5.

My first experience with a Diablo game was Diablo III: Eternal Collection on Nintendo Switch. I might have tried it on the PS4 but it was on the Switch where I really got into it. And I played the heck out of that game and even more than once. So when Diablo IV was announced of course I was eager for it to come out.

The pre-order date came around and pre-ordered it, whichever the mid-tier of the game was just so I could have early access and whatever else. I did get a chance to play the Beta once or twice but not enough to give me a sense of how the game was really going to be, plus I was knees-deep on ToTK.

Finally, the time came around to play the full game and I was delighted with it. I felt at home, this is my kind of game, and this is the kind of game I get addicted to, just like with Diablo III. It is everything you would expect from a Diablo game, amazing cinematics, a compelling story, stellar graphics, great voice acting, character and combat customization, and of course, lots of build-crafting, and hunting for the best gear you can get.

When I played Diablo III, I pretty much exclusively played as the Necromancer, I always felt overpowered with that class, and so much fun. This time around, though, I am playing (so far) as the Barbarian and so far it’s been a lot of fun with a decent amount of weapons and pretty cool skills and power-ups.

I am still trying to get used to some of the menu options, especially around the “skills tree” or whatever is called, it seems a little confusing and unclear to me as to what am I getting, and I don’t know why. Of course, I am playing this game in the easiest setting, I am not here for a challenge, I am here for a good time. And yet, is not as easy as Diablo III is in its easest mode, I never died on Diablo III, on D4 though, yes I have died a few times. It can get a little hairy when many baddies band together and you are not paying attention to what you’re doing.

I am sure there’s more to this game from what I have experienced so far, there is so much more to explore and discover. I hate (Love) that there is a real money item store, that’s how they get me, by getting me to spend money in order to get that shiny armor or horse, or whatever. This game will be hard to put down, I need to keep track of time otherwise will continue playing for hours without end, I am loving it.

Currently, there are no plans or have been officially confirmed or announced to bring Diablo 4 to the Nintendo Switch. That being said, I am sure that eventually, it will, and whenever that happens, you can be damn sure that I will be getting it on the Switch as well.

Second-class Citizen.

This morning I had a "Hol' Up A Minute" moment while driving to the site here in Naples, Florida. As many of you would know, I am from Puerto Rico, a colony, I mean, a US territory, thus, I am a US citizen or more like a second-class citizen. For 40 years I have taken for granted the fact I can travel anywhere within the US, to Puerto Rico and back without worries or having to carry a passport because technically, my driver's license should suffice. However, this morning it kind of hit me where I was, I am in fucking Florida, DeSantis's Florida. I panicked a little. I was like, "fuck, I should have brought my passport".

I have listened to a couple of news lately in which fellow Puerto Ricans are being denied services or even being able to book an airplane ticket, because they did not have a passport, identifying them as US citizens (second-class citizens). There are many States in which people forget that Puerto Rico is a colony, ugh, sorry, a Territory of the United States of America.

What I am trying to say is, that I have realized that I no longer feel like a legitimate American citizen in some way, given the political situation in which we find ourselves today. I fear that, if for whatever reason, I get pulled over here in Florida or anywhere in the US today, having my driver's license, might not be enough to prove my citizenship and "legitimacy". 

Again, this is coming from someone that was born with US citizenship. I can't even imagine how other minorities must be feeling, especially in DeSantis's Florida or in the US in general.

It's scary.

Naples, round two.

Another trip to, what it would seem to be this week, the not-always-sunny Naples, Florida. The weather forecast shows thunderstorms all week long, so far. Not looking forward to the weather so much but I’ll manage. Also, unlike my previous trip, I’ll be traveling alone, the boss isn’t joining. The one thing I am very much looking forward to is all the hours I’ll be able to put on Tears of the Kingdom, bunker down in the hotel room.

Keep Moving.

I think I can say with confidence that I am back. I am back into my somewhat, being healthy, consistently working out train. It took too long, though. However, I no longer have this unmotivated feeling and have to drag myself to the gym or my backyard (outdoor workouts are my fave) to get a good workout sesh. I just do it, even if it is a short sesh (usually it would be an EMOM workout, 5 movements, 5 rounds, 25 minutes), I just move.

My only fear is my upcoming work trip, I will do my best to take advantage of the hotel's "fitness center". I don't want to break my ongoing streak and momentum. 

Keep moving!

🎙️ Something I Liked.

Switched On Pop – Listening 2 Daft Punk: Homework

> Switched On Pop’s four part-mini series Listening 2: Daft Punk unlocks the sounds, voices, and stories across all four of the group’s studio albums.

As someone who loves music and music history, history in general, but in this case, music history, I lived this episode. I love when they do this type of series. This is the first of a four part miniseries. Especially learning about sensitizers, I had no idea they had been around for so long and how complex they were back then, and still.

So, if you love robots, Rosey, R2-D2, fucking TinMan, fucking Daft Punk, you have got to lot sent to this episode.

On feeling behind.

On a somewhat related note to my latest post

Feeling like I don't have the bandwidth to look into these things and play like all the cool kids on my block. I feel like I am falling behind,  

  JASON FRIED on  You can learn AI later

So wait on it. Pop the pressure. Don't feel like you're falling behind. And don't drop everything to dig in. Start curious, stay curious, know what it's capable of, and, when the necessity strikes, figure it out. Until then, ignore the demands and focus on doing what you're already good at.  

It almost makes me feel as if he had read my post (obviously he didn't). Again, my sentiments about feeling behind are not solely on AI/ChatGPT, there's more to it but, at least I shouldn't be ashamed about not jumping into AI/ChatGPT stuff right away.


Only two days left until Tears Of The Kingdom. 😬

Getting by with the bare minimum.

There used to be a time in my life when I was much more enthusiastic and invested in new technologies and technology in general. As things have become more accessible and life a lot busier, I have very little time to be on top of information as I once was, I feel like. 

I still try to keep an eye out, and at least be aware of things but in practice, very little. I listen to many podcasts and read (or try to) things about new technologies available, especially on devices I already own. Things like automation, shortcuts, and things you can do with focus modes and actions. Nowadays we have ChatGPT, which is something a lot of people are excited about and many developers are integrating it with their apps. All good and dandy.

And then there's me here feeling like, ugh

Feeling like I don't have the bandwidth to look into these things and play like all the cool kids on my block. I feel like I am falling behind, getting behind the curve, and becoming an old man that's comfortable with the things I can do and not looking into the future as much.

Perhaps if I didn't have two jobs, my joby-job, and parenting, I would have more time or motivation to look out for what's new and play. I don't feel like playing as much these days, el-oh-el.

I can get by with the bare minimum 😝


Reading this post by Daryl, I came across this link by Matthias Ott.

Simple Truths About Personal Websites

Nobody knows you.
You are not entitled to anyone’s attention.
Be respectful, be helpful, be kind.
Your personal website isn’t a replacement for social media. It’s much more than that.

Even when I wish I had written this, I couldn't have said it any better, and I love and relate to every word.

  This is your playground. Play.  

A lazy writer

I remember once reading or hearing someone, might have been John Gruber, that said, that if you want to be a good writer, you need to be a good reader. Something along those lines.

Well, let me tell you something about myself, I’m a lazy reader, I do not dedicate a lot of my time to reading. I follow many blogs through my RSS and I go through the feed and out of 10 articles I might actually read 2. Not because the other 8 are uninteresting, it might just be that that day, at that time, I was not that invested. Or just my ADHD that makes it hard to concentrate and calmly read something without getting distracted.

I follow many good bloggers and writers and I feel like, in some way, if they are in my feed, I sort of owe it to them (and myself) to make the effort and read it.

Perhaps this is what makes me a lazy writer.

Perhaps it’s time to, rethink my relationship with my RSS feed and pay more attention to which things I stop and read the most and clean up my feed a bit, and stop being a lazy reader.

My favorite computer?

In this week’s Newsletter from Nash, MY FAVORITE COMPUTER, he writes about how his (SPOILER ALERT) 6th Gen, iPad Mini, has become his favorite computer;

>When on the move, it’s easy to take with me wherever I go (errands, trips, or coffee shops). It fits in all of my bags, pouches, and even the back pocket of my jeans. When at home, it’s great for the couch or in bed. When in my office, it’s the perfect companion device to compliment whatever I’m working on. > >Typing or drawing. Watching or thinking. It’s the right combination of everything someone needs in a computer. The way it stays minimal while also transforming and shape-shifting, makes it my favorite computer of all time.

This had me thinking for a bit. What is my favorite computer?

If you had asked me a month or so ago, my answer most likely would have been my iPad Air (whichever generation is the latest). Fast forward to today, and I think my answer is entirely different. In fact, as they say, it’s complicated, ish.

I spend 90 percent of my “computer” time on my work computer, some Dell laptop provided by the company. Most of my writing happens on said computer. I browse the internet on it too or read my RSS. And yet, it is not my favorite computer. It is probably my most readily accessible device, since Im in front of it for eight hours a day, but not my favorite.

The iPad, well, I rarely use it these days, it is mostly being used by one of my girls. My MacBook Pro… Well, half of the time I don’t even know where in the house is located.

So, if I had to pick, it would have to be my iPhone 14 Pro, I would think. I don’t think I’ve written about it but yes, about a month ago or so I got a new Macintosh mobile device, an upgrade from an iPhone mini. Anyway, I guess lots gets done nowadays on this device over the iPad because of all that new real estate I have now compared to what I had previously with the mini.

Reading, media “consumption” (I dislike that term, for whatever reason), capturing ideas, managing tasks, editing and taking pictures, some writing and publishing, best user interface over my work computer for sure, and performance. Well, all of that just to say that I guess that would make the iPhone 14 Pro my favorite computer then?

What’s your favorite computer?

Have a Great Day!

Today I’ve experienced the most candid show of affection and morning greetings, between human beings.

This morning, like in every morning, I am driving the girls to grandmas house. We are a little late, not extremely late but ultimately, late. I’m driving, looking at the road in front of me when I see two cars coming. I see a huge mother-trucking- truck, just like most Idahoans know how, and a Volkswagen Beetle right behind it.

Then I saw it, from the Volkswagen Beetle, a gentle hand of a lady, with a hard to miss big ring, and the middle finder off, in what, I assume, was, her good morning greetings to the car in front. I passed them, I looked through my rear mirror and saw two hands, coming out of the mother-trucking- truck, with middle fingers in sign of a reply. Beautiful! And all before 7:00 am.

Good day everyone.