A mess in progress and RSS

I have this urging feeling of changing things around, shaking things up, as they say. It always starts with my blogging settings. No, I am not opening another Ghost account, but will most likely play around with a theme, change menus, and other things. Perhaps other systems and tools I use may change. definitely, there are personal things that need revisiting... I am a messy work in progress.

Also, and super-unrelated.

Do you read every item in your RSS feed? Or, just like me, do you triage and keep what you might truly read later, or just read it and move on?

I found myself scanning and just skipping until I find something I know I would like to read. Then I read it right there and then rather than "saving it for later".

I don't know, just a thought.

Although I have had many thoughts recently and I am having a hard time sorting them out. Something is not entirely right up in here (points to the head). At least I know is not a lack of serotonin, according to my crazy-doc...


Gaby S. is drinking a Juicebox by Trickster's Brewing Company at Eureka! Boise

On biases

Being unbiased toward "things", is so hard, to me at least, I think. It goes for a lot of things, politics, points of view, etc. I have my ways, principles, values, truths, whatever and it is super-hard to sometimes understand the other side, other's point of view. Especially when they are against what you think (or I think rather) my own point of view, my own biases. I always remember someone saying that there are different truths. There are "absolute truths" like one day you will die, that's an absolute truth, for now. There are half-truths (forgot the example of one), and your own and it is hard to distinguish between the three sometimes.

This is something I have been trying very hard to work on. To be able to read, and hear the other point of view, someone else's truth without immediately getting rattled or defensive. I don't engage in touchy discussions much to avoid this very same issue. However, I do seek, like many other people, some kind of validation of my own biases, my non-absolute truths. Perhaps not intentionally but subconsciously. Does that make sense?

This is going to sound silly, but what brought this up to me was... In the Puerto Rican urban music scene, there are always what we call "tiraeras". One rapper or reggaeton artist calls out the other in a song, the other responds, they bully each other, and so on. And of course, I have my favorite of the two, so immediately I am biased. No matter how "good" the other might have been, I am already thinking my favorite one will respond and win. And here I am looking at my Twitter feed to see what people say and only regard as important or "correct" the tweets in which people are "Agreeing" with my point of view or bias.

I guess I have, or many of us, the tendency to create our own bubbles to protect our biases and truths. I know people who don't have a bubble, and they are able to have healthy conversations despite them having different points of view. These people inspire me, but again, it is hard.


🎮 A Game I have been playing

Welcome to another "episode" of what Gabz has been playing...!!

Well, I am still knees deep into Xenoblade  Chronicles 3, about 34 ish hours in, and I can't get enough of it. Although I just reached one particular "mission" where it's like;

  • I need that boat
  • Yes, you may have it but we need batteries, go talk to Person #1.
  • I go talk to Person #1: Yes, I would help you but I need you to talk to Person #3 for X"
  • Now I got to Person #3...

You know where this is going, right? 

Still having lots of fun and am super-intrigued by the story.

Anyway, the game I want to talk about is Rollerdrome on the PlayStation 5

Rollerdrome review – A very fun but very deadly new sport – 17Blogs

Rollerdrome is a single-player third-person action-shooter that seamlessly blends high-octane combat with fluid motion to create an action experience like no other. Dominate with style in cinematic, visceral combat where kills net you health and pulling off tricks and grinds provide you with ammunition.

I have to say, I've only played about an hour or 30 minutes of it. As part of the PlayStation Plus Premium membership, you do get a 1-hour full game trial. When I first saw this game it made me think of movies like The Running Man (1987) for some reason, you know futuristic, dystopian badass sports. And of course, the art style grabbed my attention right away.

The game is a blast, no doubt! It's simple, you skate through an arena in the Rollerdrome tournament, battling others with guns, dodging attacks, and the way you replenish your ammo is with tricks and such. The best part is skating at full speed without fear of crashing. From what I played, the game isn't that difficult, again, I've only played basically the tutorial and maybe two battles. I did find myself near death a couple of times, but you replenish your health by killing enemies. I am definitely intrigued by this game, seems like it can be a lot of fun without a super-complicated setting.

That's it, until next time! ✌🏼

And why do we fall?

Back in June, I had my RGT Test, which, unfortunately, I did not pass. Both my ego and pride (if they aren't the same thing) took a hit, not going to lie. 

And why do we fall, Bruce? So we can learn to pick ourselves up.

  – Alfred Pennyworth  

On December, December 5th to be exact, in Chicago, I will have another chance to take the test. This means my anxiety ("Hello darkness my old friend...") is back again. Perhaps a wee bit less than before since now know what I am getting myself into. Still, the fear of failing – again – and falling is creeping into the back of my head.

Better get cracking!

A thing I have been enjoying

There is a little discovery, which I am sure I am late to the party for and that is Omnivore,

Omnivore is an open source read-it-later solution. Use our browser extensions, PWA, or iOS app to save any article. Subscribe to newsletters, add highlights, read distraction free.  

I believe I saw a retweet by Andrew on the Twitters and had to check it out, obviously. It is simple, easy to add things to it (alt + O on Windows) and the best part, it's free as far as I am aware. Usually, free services make me a little nervous but I feel okay with this one. I have the extension in my browser and have the iOS app on my phone and the syncing is rock-solid!

So, My thanks to Mister Canion.

Hello, is it me again?

I’m in a “strange” mood today…

Allow me to explain.

Normally, especially on Sundays, my motivation to do anything is next to nothing. Whatever needs to get done around the house or yard, I’d do the bare minimum. Everything is a drag.

Today, so far, it’s a little different. I felt, feel, motivated. I prepared breakfast for Luna and I, coffee, and headed outside for some yard work. Today I went above and beyond of what would normally be. I put on more effort into it and tackled things that had been bothering me around the front yard. I took the time to fertilize the trees and grass, which does need some work. These high temperatures have been rough on the yard.

Normally, I dread laundry, folding clothes, and putting them away. Today, I didn’t mind it at all, I just, did it.

I’m excited about dinner tonight, I am preparing a flank steak. I was actually creative and intentional about seasoning and letting it marinate for the next few hours, rather than just preparing it last minute and throwing it in the air fryer or something.

I’m not sure if it’s just a spur of the moment or something else, perhaps my new meds are starting to kick in?

So, what I call strange, is probably the normal self that I haven’t felt or seen in a while…

The G-SHOCK, a week later.

Today marks a week since I got my new CASIO G-SHOCK. I am not gonna lie, it has been a little bit of an adjustment.

As for the piece itself, I love it. I love its design, love the color, love the watch face, always been a fan of digital and big numbers. It is super comfortable and, again, it looks nice. This one is one of those G-SHOCK MOVE models, it pairs with your device using a dedicated app. It can push notifications, messages, texts, calls, etc. It does track calories burned, steps and runs. I think I can track workouts but I am yet to figure out if it can at all the same way the Apple Watch does.

What about Apple Watch Withdraws?

I have to be honest here, there have been a few times, in which I have found myself really missing the Apple Watch.

Daily use

As far as an EDC, I don’t find myself missing the Apple Watch as much, again, fashion-wise, the G-SHOCK kills it. I don’t mind not getting notifications or any of that. Is nice not having that distraction.

Where I do find myself missing it though is for example when out grilling, I use timers a lot and I always use my watch for that. Yes, I have my phone and can summon the all-mighty Siri for that but, it’s so much easier to quickly reach for your wrist.


If there’s anything that the Apple Watch excels at, is tracking movement and workouts. Having that data easily accessible, timers, and data, is super-nice and convenient. The G-SCHOCK does have a stopwatch and timers, but they are not easy to access as they are on the Apple Watch. And of course, there are the rings, The Rings of Shame as I call them.


I am very satisfied with my purchase and I think there is a way in which both watches can coexist within my lifestyle. Just like shirts, they can be changed, depending on the day, mood, necessity, or occasion. For sure will be using the Apple Watch for workouts over the G-SHOCK, but daily use, either or, but mostly the G, for now, until I am tired of it, if ever (or if I get a new one?).

A night in the head of Gabz

What goes through my mind at 11:00 PM at night?

I talk a lot in my head (I think I am talking), and I sort of guess what the next day will be like. I create conversations, and what I might be saying at tomorrow’s meeting (which got postponed until tomorrow, so I am sure we'll get back to it tonight). I imagine and plan the rest of my day, or rather, I think I am just mentally preparing for it.

I think about every issue, and problem, I have. I tell myself an idiot for worrying too much and that I suck. Impostor syndrome creeps in and doubts every decision made. What my workout will be for tomorrow? Gotta lose weight, I am still fat. I try to remind myself that there’s nothing I can do right this second about any of it and that I should focus on sleeping and getting some rest.

But no, I can’t.

I grab my phone, I doom scroll Instagram, Twitter is dead, nothing to see there this late at night, but I open Tweetbot and scroll anyways. I open any app that might show me something I hadn’t previously seen or read, or something I may miss. There’s nothing in my RSS. A podcast? Nah! Not interested. A book? Too tired to pay attention and remember any of it the next day. What about read it later? Nah!


Shall I change my Micro.blog theme? Hm...

Nah, not on the macintosh phone...

Plays music...

Midnight comes around...

On the bright side, I got 4 hours of sleep rather than 3 like the night before. I call that progress.

My first workout using the G-Shock

I have completed my first workout using the new G-Shock Watch, honestly I am uncertain whether the Watch was tracking my workout. It was running some kind of times, but… I don’t know, I got to figure it out. It’s definitely been tracking over all activity, steps kcal’s and some.

Unless there’s a setup or function I haven’t figured out yet, I might use the Apple Watch for workouts only. I like having a record and easy access to my timers.

Then again, these are the little things the Apple Watch spoiled me on.

Not a thing I like to see anymore.

My first day without a smarty-pants watch.

Today is my first day without a smarty-pants watch. I kinda feel, in some way, like I have left my phone at home. I am not getting the buzz on my wrist. I noticed that I rarely pay attention to my phone while at my desk, and whenever I interacted with it, it was because of the buzzing on my wrist. I believe I can set the watch so I get some notifications but I haven’t done that yet, or maybe I never will.

I also must confess, that I do have my Apple Watch with me, just not on me. It is currently in my backpack. I am trying to decide if I want to wear it at the gym today, just to record my workout.

Like I have said before, I have been using an Apple Watch since the very first model, so I am in that mentality that if I don’t record my workout on the watch, I did not work out at all, didn’t happen, doesn’t exists. I am used to having that quantitative data.

I should be able to set this up though, according to the website;

>This G-SHOCK MOVE watch delivers all you need for the ultimate workout. Access your smartphone GPS for precision accelerometer measurement when tracking running distance, speed, pace, and calories burned.

I may spend some time today setting it all up and report back, again, these are my 1st-day impressions so far.

Stay tuned…


Set up the watch with the iPhone app!

Got Twitter and Hey notifications! 🤣

Nostalgia and Crossroads

Nostalgia, Graveyards & an NYC Apartment

I think, well, the whole video, for whatever reason just got to me, great story-telling. But the thing that really stood out to me was when he reads a note, that he scribbled; (I will be doing my best to quote here):

> Missing New York means, missing my friends, and missing my friends means missing the times we spent together, and missing those times, is nostalgia and it’s hitting me hard…

Definitely not New York for me, but let us replace NY with Puerto Rico (in my case), let us replace NY with any part of the world or place or activity in which we had great very memorable moments with friends, loved ones, or even by ourselves.

I often feel nostalgic, I miss friends and family of course, but mostly for those moments in which I was the best and normal version of myself. When the only worry was, in which direction to turn next at the next crossroad.

I relive those moments, in my head, often, and I smile every time. And maybe, hopefully, one day I’ll get to share and relive some of those moments with my girls.



I have always had my suspicions, but today was confirmed. Apparently, according to my psychiatrist, I have ADHD.

That confirmed some of my suspicions. Moreover, whatever medication I have been taking for the past few years for my depression, aren’t really doing anything to truly help. If I understood correctly, they just blunt my emotions, good or bad, preventing me from feeling my normal self.

Let us see how this goes, one thing at a time.

Eat the Meek

> The factory mass producing fear, bottled > > Capped, distributed near and far > > Sold for a reasonable price > > The people, they love it, they feed it > > Brush with it, bathe with it, breathe it > > Inject it direct to the blood > > It seems to be replacing love

Eat the Meek (Dub Mix) by NOFX

No percentage fo' me!

Everyone is losing their minds over having the battery percentage back on the latest beta. Are you all bonkers? Who really wants to see that? Doesn’t it give you anxiety, to see that number going down through the course of the day like a Doomsday clock?

Me, personally, and in my not humble opinion, I don’t need that kind of negativity and anxiety in my life.

I’ve spoken!

Love is...

> Love will fuck you up, love will eat you alive, love will turn your nights into terror and your days into a pile of ashes. And the more people you love, the more ways there are to suffer. > > Love is a beast, love is a monster, love is a howling storm. > > Hold on, hold on tight. It’s the only good reason to be here. > > Hold on. Hold on.

–– Love is a motherf****r - annie mueller

Wanda is trending

Marvel Latin News:

> Si ven WANDA en tendencia sepan que se refiere a la exgobernadora de Puerto Rico que fue arrestada por el FBI y no a Wanda Maximoff


If you see WANDA trending, know that it refers to the former governor of Puerto Rico who was arrested by the FBI and not to Wanda Maximoff

🎶 Puerto Rico está bien cabrón 🎶

This is golden, even Marvel had to stepped in and clarify. 😅

A game I have been playing 🎮

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 for the Nintendo Switch

> Live to fight. Fight to live. > > Join Noah and Mio, members of the two opposing nations of Keves and Agnus, on a heartfelt journey through a warring world with a dark secret. Traverse massive, fantastical landscapes and master seamless real-time RPG combat as you expose the true enemy pulling the strings.

I am calling anything with the Xeno on front of it, as part of the overall series, I am not sure (or remember) how accurate that is, but these have been around since the PlayStation One days. Starting with Xenogears in the late nineties, I still have my copy somewhere in the house. don’t remember much about it other than it was a great game.

In the early two thousand on PlayStation 2, Xenosaga (I, II, and III), I also have my copies in some box somewhere. Those were fun to play, and I remember the story being slightly complicated and open for discussion and interpretation.

Now here is where I got lost in the whole thing. I think then we had Xenoblade Chronicles X, on the Wii U, which I probably purchased but never really played it. I was never a Wii U player, to be honest. Then comes Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition, and this one I think was originally released on the Wii U then the Nintendo 3DS and eventually we got this remastered version for the Nintendo Switch, which I do own and played only about an hour or two before dropping it. Next is Xenoblade Chronicles 2 on the Nintendo Switch and that one I did get excited about, and once again, played for like 4 hours before dropping it. Tried once or twice to get back into it but for whatever reason, I could not get into it or had the patience.

This brings us to Xenoblade Chronicles 3 and when this game was announced I didn’t even bother to watch its announcement, trailers, or looked into it in any way. Actually, I was a little fed up with it because Nintendo was pushing this game very heavily on social media and that made me despise the game a bit. Until, release day, guess there was a little bit of FOMO.

So how is it going? Well, I am close to ten hours into it and I am not yet feeling bored or overwhelmed. In fact, I can’t seem to be able to put it down. In lieu of that, I felt like I needed a Xenoblade Universe crash course. Although I was always under the impression that these games aren’t directly connected, there seems to me some lore. Even though each game has its own set of characters and overall story, things do connect in some way. So I have spent quite the amount of time watching youtube videos to kind of get into the Xeno-lore.

I like how the game slowly but steadily introduces you to all the mechanics, the ins and outs of the battle system, crafting items, abilities trees, etc. It doesn’t just throw all the information in one single tutorial battle at you and then you figure it out. In fact, I’d say, the first ten hours, are the tutorial, or so it did feel like. I mean I just had my first “big” battle and hopefully, there is nothing else to introduce me to as far as something else to explain game-wise.

The battle system does get some used to, or at least to me, auto-battle it’s weird to me and I believe Chronicles 1 and 2 have a very similar battle system. So you have your regular auto attacks but your greatest damage, or heavy attacks, come from arts and these have a cool-down system. Each character has its own class and arts but these can be learned and shared among all the characters and leveled up, that’s a kind of nice system.

Graphics are great, and so is the voice acting. The world of Xenoblade Chronicles 3 seems huge and lots to explore without feeling like it’s a chore, so far. There is so much about this game and I already feel like I am rambling too much about it.

I am really having fun with this one. I read it is about eighty hours to finish the game. So far I feel as if I was reading (or listening) to one of those fantasy/sci-fi books. I am very intrigued by the story and the main characters so far. I am very curious about where this is going. What this game does that the other did not? I don’t know. Maybe the fact that I got into its lore and “backstory” that now I am intrigued?


Final thoughts,

It’s a great game, you shall play it!

  • Gabz



I have always been a fan of taking an original thing and making it your own, creating your own take, perhaps as an homage or as fan service but keeping the essence and respecting the original work.

For example, I like song covers, very much, or at least I know I will listen to it if I know it's a cover. Doesn't necessarily mean I will love it, but it excites me to listen to them, at least. 

On the other hand, I know people that hate song covers and I don't blame them.

This morning I listened to a good one,  Guiltiness by  Chronixx a cover from Bob Marley & The Wailers Guiltiness

On top of my mind, I have a few others;

Lovesong by Adele, a cover from The Cure's Love Song, I think is a cover well done.

Disturbed's cover of  The Sound of Silence from  Simon & Garfunkel, is another favorite.

Bernard Fowler, Chuck D's version of  Can't You Hear Me Knocking from The Rolling Stones.

Tems's cover of Bob Marley & The Wailers No Woman No Cry, it's beautiful!

And what about Lorde's cover of  Everybody Wants To Rule the World of  Tears for Fears?

Then there are some albums where there are all cover songs by the same artists.

Weezer's Teal Album, love it!

My Echo, My Shadow, My Covers & Me by  AWOLNATION, is my current favorite.

What are some of your favorites, or the ones you don't like?

Let me know in the comments below, like, subscribe and click that bell. 😋

🎮 Wo-Long

It has come to my attention that  Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, for the PlayStation 5 in my case,  it is up for pre-order. I remember watching the trailer or teaser for it and man did it look good.  I am looking into it and as I am reading the description, I read the following;

  • The Masocore Dream Team - A joint creation by Team NINJA producers Fumihiko Yasuda (Nioh) and Masaaki Yamagiwa (Bloodborne).

With Team Ninja alone, I know this game will be, most likely, extremely difficult. Unless they take pity on us and make it more accessible. I mean, they did it for the Ninja Gaiden Collection. They added an easy mode of sorts that made the game more approachable and accessible.

At this point in my life, I am not up for challenges when it comes to video games. I want an enjoyable experience and a good story. I want to have fun, not episodes of rage.