A Game I've been playing

Horizon Zero Dawn: Complete Edition


Yup, exploring the wilds again, 5 years later. This game was originally released on February 28, 2017, on the PlayStation 4. It is the year of our lord, 2022, and the game is still bitchin'.

This time around, though, I have been playing the Complete edition, on the PlayStation 5.

Why am I playing this, 5 years later? Well, the game is a masterpiece, in my book, but also Horizon Forbidden West is coming out soon, February 18th. Thus, just like some of us watch previous movies in preparation for the sequel that is about to come out, I am playing this game. Also, back in November of 2017, a DLC for Zero Dawn was released, The Frozen Wilds. I never got around to playing the DLC, so this was also a good incentive to re-play this game.

Not sure if it's the fact that it has been 5 years since, or the fact that I am playing it on the PlayStation 5. but the game feels both like it belongs to the ps5 and like a whole new experience from the one I had 5 years ago.

I am currently about 10 to 12 hours in, I have been doing a lot of grinding though, and having fun while doing it. Also, damn, I had forgotten how massive the world-map is in this game, so much so it can be super-overwhelming if you expand and look at it.

Also, I am playing it in the easiest mode available, which I am not sure this particular mode was in the original release, I could be wrong. This is making the playthrough much faster too, and some of the machines that were a nightmare before, well, they are still a nightmare when you look at them up close but not as much when fighting them (I am looking at you Thunderjaw).

It is interesting when you come back to an old goodie like this and even if you have forgotten some of the sorry, the control mechanics, and such, there are still things you remember dearly. Also, you remember your priorities, don't sell this material, get your fast-travel pack early, and so on.

If you haven't played this game, ever, do yourself a service and play it!


Having a blast, playing back this game, on the ps5 this time around. It very much feels like a new fresh game. and something about the second photo there, it’s got a lot of THE MATRIX vibes.

Tales of Arise

And so, 52 hours later, Tales of Arise has been completed.

It’s a pretty extensive story, to me, it felt like I’ve just watched an entire season, or perhaps two, of a good anime show.

There’s more, apparently, other quests, and a New Game + have been unlocked. I am not entirely sure if I want to replay this whole thing again. I might check it out a bit just to see, but, gotta move on to another games.

Never thought I’d see the day where my oldest and I are fighting over who gets to play video games on the main tv.

She wanted to play Mario Kart on the Switch, so there’s no arguing against that.

I,last night, I thought I had finished the game. Nope

gabz 🐐💨:

#TOARISE #PS5Share, #TalesofArise

This game!

It is just a matter of When

I have expressed my frustration with the ongoing pandemic, and I reiterate, I'm tired. I feel like, at this point, it's just a waiting game. It is a matter of when. No matter our best efforts, we will get infected, resistance is futile.

Today, I received an email from Marley's school,

Dear Parent, Guardian, and Staff Member:  
We have information to share with you about a COVID-19 case at our school.  
We were informed that an individual within your child's class has tested positive for COVID-19. Please keep his/her health and recovery in mind.
We no longer identify close contacts with the positive case. Therefore, continue to send your child to school but daily monitoring of symptoms over the next 10 days is a VERY important part of this process. Contact the school nurse if your child has symptoms or is being tested for COVID.  
If your child develops any symptoms, stay home, call your medical provider, or get tested. There are multiple free testing sites in the community including Preventative Health.  

I don't know how to feel about it, or what to do. It is what it is, and we are all fked

At this point I even feel a little desensitized from it all, and like I've said, it is just a matter of when.

I’m tired.

First we got COVID, then the Delta, then Omicron, now the supposedly Deltacron, and how knows how many more have been that I am not aware of or that are coming.

FKN Quit it! 😅

I am spent, tired. When will it “end”? I’m tired of living in constant paranoia and fear. Like I heard in a podcast recently, Omicron is the new Squid Game. Like no matter how much I do protect myself and my family, it is just a matter of time until we just get it.

I feel for the healthcare system’s people, including my wife. She is not in direct contact with patients but the whole system is affected, stressed and overworked. I am also tired of the politicization of it all. Like wearing a mask and/or getting a vaccine, is a political stance instead of common sense.


A Game I liked, vol 8

Tales of Arise on the PlayStation 5


On the planet Dahna, reverence has always been given to Rena, the planet in the sky, as a land of the righteous and divine. Stories handed down for generations became truth and masked reality for the people of Dahna. For 300 years, Rena has ruled over Dahna, pillaging the planet of its resources and stripping people of their dignity and freedom.
Our tale begins with two people, born on different worlds, each looking to change their fate and create a new future. Featuring a new cast of characters, updated combat, and classic Tales of gameplay mechanics, experience the next chapter in the world-famous Tale of series, Tales of Arise.


This game was released last year. When I saw the trailer, I immediately knew, I wanted to play it. This game is in the same vein as Tales of Symphonia (I believe I played this one back on the GameCube), Tales of Vesperia (I think I played this one on the PS2 but I currently own it on the Nintendo Switch), and Tales of Berseria (this one I've never played). Arise is a standalone game, there's really no need to play the previous ones. It's kinda like the Final Fantasy's they really don't tie in.

It is a JRPG and like most JRPGs, the narrative is pretty linear, which to me, that's fine.  The game focuses on two primary protagonists; Shionne, a woman with a mysterious past, and Iron Mask, a man who has no memory and also wears an iron mask that he can’t remove.


I am only about 3 to 4 hours in, give or take, so call it an early impression if you will, but the bottom line is, I am having a blast. I have to be honest coming from a game like Ghost of Tsushima, that looks as realistic as it can, it is a little shocking to play something cartoony. That being said, the art it's pretty awesome. The animated cutscenes make you feel like you are watching a Japanese animated show. The voice acting I would say it's pretty well done, and solid. Some of the conversations are in in-game animation sequences, or in comic-book-like panels with voices, or in your typical conversation-bubbles with no voice.


Something that I am truly a fan of in this game, is the combat system. When you encounter enemies during exploration, you'll be spirited off to a combat screen, like every RPG about there. During combat, you can move freely and execute normal and special attacks called Artes, which you assign to controller buttons, pretty simple. It does introduce some complexity to the combat at some point early in the game but nothing too crazy. The combat's super-fun and fluid.


Like most RPGs, you also have a skill-tree-like thing where you can redeem experience points for more art or combat skills. SO far, it hasn't gotten super-crazy complicated, again, I am very early in the game, so who knows. But so far, it's been easy to navigate and understand, it is pretty straightforward.

One thing I've got to mention too is the opening song, I am a fan. Again, it makes you feel like your sitting down, about to watch your favorite Anime show.

"HIBANA" by Kankaku Piero - Love it!

If you're are a fan of adventure JRPGs or RPGs in general, and you're looking for a fun and festive game to play, I would definitely recommend Tales of Arise. Oh! And there is a demo available in case you'd want to test the waters first. I think I got it on sale at the Amazons there for less than 40 USD. I believe it is still on sale at the PlayStation Store but not for long. And there are 3 different versions too LOL. I got the regular and purchased some DLC for like $5.00 for star items and costumes. 

That's how they get me, with shiny costumes. 😜

Subs Game

After reading Mike's post on subscriptions last night, and this morning's Greg's, I had to think about my situation here and share.

The Gotta have's

Netflix - Gotta have it, if you have family, especially kids, there's no way around it. Plus consider this, Netflix puts out so much content, and high quality, for "cheap".

Apple One - Given that both my wife and I do use Apple Music, iCloud storage and at the time we were also using Apple Arcade, I believe we were already at the 29.95 mark, so it made sense. Now we also get Fitness+, tv+, and News+ (which I rarely ever use).

Kiddopia - Another, gotta have it, if this app does not have all the mini-games available, there will be riots. And we don't want riots in a full restaurant.

comiXologyUNLIMITED - Think of Netflix for comics Books, this is one I forget I have, and one that as much as I really want to use it and take advantage of, I don't. I am going to put myself to the test this month, If I don't read at least three to four issues, I am canceling it.

Glass - Photography Community - I like the app, I have written my thoughts on it, and what it means to me. I have been in conflict with it in the past week or so. I see the app as a nice-looking website for my photos, but it is not my own, like my blog, it is mine (ish). So, this one is in review.

Audible - This one, I keep going back and forth in my mind, in fact, this one gets canceled and reactivated again sometimes. I think I have a decent backlog of books to listen to that I could possibly cancel it for a while.

AppleCare+ - My reasoning, I've got kids, and I am clumsy, thus, I need it. 

Overcast - As much as I hate its UI and icon, it's rock-solid and that's that.

Tweetbot 6 - My Twitter app of choice, and I want them to both keep around and give me more icons.

Day One - Day One was my blog before my blog. Before I dared to get a weblog, I was writing in this app, circa 2012. Now I rarely actively type in it, now I have an IFTTT action that everything I post to my weblog, gets an entry in DO. Also, I use a lot their Text to Journal feature, which allows me to text quick things and create quick entries. They are usually photos in my case. It is pretty neat.

Mullvad - I got this one when I traveled to Naples, FL last year, not sure I'll keep it.

Ulysses - another, gotta have it, it is my writing app of choice, and cannot imagine a world without it.

Micro.blog - The most important sub of them all. Here is where I host my weblog. Makes everything easy and friction-free. It has a great community and even though I have tried other platforms (tinkerers gotta tink), there's no place like home.

HBO Max - I do get a lot of entertainment out of this one, ze wife wants me to cancel it, I don't lol, we shall see.

Subscriptions I am letting go (or expire) this month/year.

Hey Mail - love it, love it, love it, too expensive.

Twitter Blue - not worth it, to me.

Carrot Weather - The stock weather app has gotten much better than it used to. I am letting it expire and see if I miss it.

Drafts - For the way I use it now, I can get by with the free tier. I may subscribe at some point again, though. Just to support its development.

Bear - This used to be my notes app of choice for years, not anymore. Lately, I have been using Simplenote.

VSCO - It is set to expire, but I use it, I love this app so much, so it will be renewed when the time comes, I believe it'll be September 2022.

One subscription I am sort of considering, and this is purely a work-related thing more than anything else, It's ROAM Research. I think I had expressed this idea of having a work journal, and I like ROAM for that. Still an idea.

The Twenty-twenty ones

A post of my 2021 faves.

Best Console Game

I might be biased on this one since I am probably still with the Honey Moon period, sort to say.

Ghost of  Tsushima Director's Cut

I picked it as my game of the year in both 2020 and now in 2021. This time I played it on the PlayStation 5 and it's such an awesome and beautiful game and the game truly shines on this console.

An Honorable Mention has to be Assassin's Creed Valhalla.

Best Nintendo Switch Game

Metroid Dread

This was a game I knew I wanted to play but wasn't sure how it was going to land for me. I gotta say, I had a great time with it. The action is incredible and fluid, the graphics are awesome, and it's tough. Not to the point of utter frustration but, don't expect to walk into a Boss fight and get it on the first try. 

Honorable Mention goes to Ender Lillies

This game is beautiful in a spooky way. This one is particularly tough as well, this one follows trends of games like Dark Souls, so patience is a virtue here. I had to rethink the way I play platformers 

Album of the Year

It is kind of hard to pick an album of the year since I listen to so much music these days. But one particular album that, to me, was a very interesting find and fell in love with was,

  Axiom Verge 2 (Original Soundtrack)  

I am a sucker for video-game soundtracks, and this, in particular, got played over and over for weeks.

Honorable Mention,

Not an album but a single, abcdefu by GAYLE , this is not just a song, it's a mood

Movie of the Year

No Time to Die (2021)

I am a huge Bond fan, and more so of Daniel Graig's Bond, he is my Bond.

Honorable Mentions

Piece of tech

The PlayStation 5

I don't own the newest Xbox console, so by default, the PS5 wins. But as a piece of tech overall, Probably the best purchase I have made this year.

Honorable Mention,

The iPhone 12 Mini

Arguably the best phone I have ever owned. This coming March I will be eligible for an upgrade, and going for the iPhone 13 mini.

Book of The Year

I did not read (or rather listen) too many books as I would have liked, this year. But one that I really enjoyed was,

Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey

I felt like I was at a bar with the guy, listening to awesome and funny stories. Definitely worth the read or listen.

Honorable Mention,

The Sandman: Act II by Neil Gaiman

I enjoyed the first act and even more so the second. Very much looking forward to the Netflix series of the Sandman.

I also need to mention Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman, narrated by Neil Gaiman, such a great story

All things considered, this year was not half-bad. Yeah, a lot of stressful, frustrating, and infuriating things happened this year, which will not be listed here. Here, is for the things that bring me joy.

Happy 2022!

A Game I liked, vol 7 (GOTY edition)

I think last year (2020) my pick for Game of the Year was Ghost of Tsushima on the PlayStation 4. Probably the best game of that console’s generation.

This year (2021) I didn’t play many console AAA games, this was mostly a Nintendo Switch year. Except for at the beginning of the year, in which I played the heck out of Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, a little over 140 hours of it.

Sometime this year I traded all my current consoles and games, in hope of getting a PlayStation 5, which I did get sometime in November. With it, I got Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut. Even though I had played GoT like 4 times already, I knew I wanted to play it again but on the PS5. I wanted to see this already beautiful and gorgeous game on the new generation console. Plus, I knew that with the Director’s Cut edition, there would be more content.

This is the game I have been playing since late November. So far, I have got somewhere around 99 hours into it. The biggest take ways this time around are just not the graphics and the game’s performance but the additional content of the Iki Island expansion.

You unlock Iki Island at the beginning of Act II (the main game has 3 acts). It begins when Jin discovers a village suffering from a mysterious mental affliction. Then you learn about another Mongol clan led by a shaman named Anshar Khatoun, known by her followers as The Eagle. It also happens that on this island, It’s where Jin watched his father die. I was very intrigued to know more about this part of the Sakai clan’s story. The island is pretty tough, in a way, I didn’t even start it until I was pretty much done with Act III. I wanted to make sure I was well-prepared for it, just in case. The Mongols here are bigger and much more powerful than the ones in Tsushima island. Then you also have the Shamans, these are beings that do this Mongolian throat singing, or Tuvan throat singing. Which gives the other soldiers some extra, almost super-natural protection. And, if you want to kick ass, you’d need to tackle these shamans first.

Iki island is not just a 2 to 3 hours expansion, it feels like a whole other game. You gain more abilities and techniques, which is cool. I have already finished the main storyline and the main storyline for Iki island.

Last night, I started a New Game + playthrough. I want to replay this game all super-powered up and take on Iki Island in Act II instead. This play-through should go shorter in a way, as I can skip all cutscenes, but will do more exploring, and complete certain challenges, and Platinum this game — again.

Because of the new and improved experience of the game, Ghost of Tsushima, once again, get my peak for Game of The Year, in 2021.

Never enough Tsushima

Back in August 2020, I played this game, and loved it. In fact, I played the shit out of this game. I beat it at least four times, over one hundred and forty hours. This was on the PlayStation 4.

Fast-forward to 2021, on Black Friday, I got my PlayStation 5. And as the story goes, I bought, yet again, but Ghost of Tsushima The Director’s Cut — on sale, I might add. Anyway, I was really looking forward to replaying this game on the PS5, I knew it was going to look outstanding and perform better.

I have been playing it since and, OH MY GOD, it feels just like the first time but better. This game is beautiful! I mean, even on the PS4 is a beautiful game, but the PS5 truly brings this game to life.

The loading times! What loading times? Let us not be silly. One of the game’s features is fast traveling, from one place to another. On the PS4, fast travel was useful, but the loading wait was kind of a small inconvenience. On the PS5, though, there’s no loading wait, fast travel means fucking fast travel. It’s instant — crazy.

Bottom line, I am enjoying this game the same, if not even more, than the first four times I played it.

Another game I got while on Black Friday sales was Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. Another game that I put over a hundred hours on the Xbox One S. And yet, I’m sure it’ll be like playing a whole new game on the PlayStation 5.

A PS5 story

A while ago, I traded all my consoles and physical games, well, most physical games., others, I kept. I did it because I wanted a PlayStation 5 and knew I wouldn’t quite have the budget for it. I made around 650.00 USDs in store credit.

When I asked what were the chances of me getting a PS5, they, well, hopes weren’t high. I knew this, I knew it was going to take time. As a small local retailer, they didn’t have one in stock, and they couldn’t tell for sure when would they have one? The owner of the store, did offer to “hunt down” one for me. Again, I knew it wasn’t going to be right away, which I was completely fine with. I mean, my Nintendo Switch backlog it’s quite large.

About two months later, Black Friday comes around, and unlike everyone else, I do no shopping whatsoever. I do look at the Switch store and whatnot, but that is the extent of it. That evening we had Thai food, delicious! I also happened to have a very tasty barrel aged imperial stout to try. I ate my food and poured my beer. As I am about to take my first glorious sip, a call comes is, the caller ID showed — VIP Games. My heart starts pounding, and I put my beer goblet down.

> Hello, Luis? (That’s my first name on my ID, thus, Luis) I am told that in less than ten minutes we will have a PlayStation 5 for you. So, you’re more than welcome to come down and pick it up

To which I replied

> I’ll be right there

A 10-minute drive later, I arrived to VIP Games. It was weird, it was the only opened and light up, store in the strip mall, besides the Wendy’s. I was having the same rush feeling when I bought my Nintendo Switch, they were rare, and there was only one, and I grabbed it. I felt like I needed to conceal it until I was safe at home.

I get in the store, the owner greets me.

> We are just finishing everything in the system, and it’ll be ready

A few minutes later, he hands me the console.

> You still have credit available. Any game you’d like to take with you?

I look around…

> Do you happen to have Ghost of Tsushima, the director’s cut edition?

He looks around, the lady next to him hands it to him

> Yes, and it’s on sale

After purchasing the PS5 and Ghost, I still have some credit left. He asked me if I wanted to cash, to which I replied to keep it in the system. In the future, rather than buying games at regular price from Amazon or Best Buy, I am coming down to this little store. It took time, but they went above and beyond to get me my console, they deserve my monies. Moreover, here is where I purchased my beloved Pokémon Shinning Pearl about a week ago.

Now, I did take advantage of some Black Friday sales. I purchased Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, again! Yes, I played the heck out off this game on the Xbox One S, but I knew that this game looks and performs better on the PS5, plus I have been wanting to replay it, just like Ghost. It only const me 23.00 USD, not bad at all.

So far, I am spending my time playing Ghost, and the difference in performance between the PS4 version and the PS5 it’s quite significant. The graphics, too, game it seems more detailed and crispier. I cannot wait to experience Valhalla on this console.

Other games I am excited to play are, the new Grand Turismo, God of War Ragnarök and Gungrave.

Up next, the Xbox, gotta have all the consoles. But that will wait much longer. Maybe sometime mid-2022 or later.

Today, I was teaching marley about Dominoes. The game, the numbers, treason, and plot.


Today, I’ve got this feeling of nothingness, or at least that’s how I’ve decided to call it. I prefer not to do anything, anything at all. I don’t want to work, I don’t want to watch tv, I don’t want to play video games, workout, nothing!

If anything, I’d like to spend some time inside of one of those water tanks and just hover.

🎮 i had purchased this game a while ago on sale, started playing today with the girls watching, what a beautiful fun little game this one is. Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom for Nintendo Switch

a dread update

i have been playing metroid dread since release date, and i’ve been having a blast. however, i am starting to have feelings of giving up 😅

i feel like i am very far in the storyline and should keep at it. but, i am running out of patience a little bit.

i find interesting that people online complain about how short and somewhat easy this game is, and then you have the other side of the spectrum, me. i find it challenging, not in a frustrating way, but challenging enough.

my problem? my problem is patience, i have very little of it, and it’s gets worse the older i get.

we shall see

Dread update;

Currently stuck on a boss fight. I am getting a little frustrated. Will try again tomorrow.